That makes sense. Didn't know that was all going on... What do you have the camera hidden in out in the parking lot?
They are armor domes, They look like a light fixture. The cool part is IR capablity at night. Also cool is that the DVD has server capability. I can sit at home and watch the cameras. I have only prosecuted one person that I didn't warn in person at least once. He pulled a trailer on the property an stole a huge sign worth $3500.00 You can see his arrest photo here - He is a multiple offender. He may go to prison for good on the habitual offender act.
That's pretty nifty. I bought a camera a few months ago that I still need to set up, it'll stream video online, alert my cell phone to any activity, and show the live feed on the phone. All I need now is to incorporate it into that 'sentry unit' Dwayne posted before his prolonged absence...
And when you prosecute people that steal raw materials to sell by the pound, do they typically pay, or do you have to wait until they rob another place before you get your 'raparations?
I just charge them with criminal trespassing. A conviction is an automatic restraining order. If they come back on the property for any reason, they can be jailed. i just want to be left alone......sniffs....
here is a picture of the cameras. I paid $239 each, not $700. They work great.
I dont think they 'fell' off. More likely he had his knee pads and some chapstic at a local truck stop.....
That's what those are? When I bought your house, you told me they were radon sensors for the bathroom and bedroom. 1) Are you archiving the videos? 2) Can I have a copy of July 30th? I was in good form that night.
Man, I went to court yesterday for one of the thefts, and the judge threw the book at him. Gave him two 6 month jail terms, and would not let them be served concurrently. I felt sorry for the guy* *not really
Thats cool. What did he steal, a 12.00 fern? He will be regretting that. Meth does strange things to people.
He got a total of 4 pieces of aluminum gutter that were worth about a dollar. I was not upset over the value of the material, I was upset that I had told the guy three times not to be on the property for any reason and he kept coming back.
That I needed, it has been a crappy rainy day and that was worth a laugh. Isnt it amazing what people will piss away for virtually nothing? At least you didnt catch him whipping skippy on your door knob. That would be funny, but you wouldnt notice it till you were inside....