Guys (or girls, now that I think about it) - Ever been with a "Squirter?"

Discussion in 'Dating and Relationships' started by Lomotil, Aug 10, 2007.

  1. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Corkscrew? No... That would be a pig. I can, and will, be a pig, but not biologically so.

    My cock has an upward curve to it, not 'severe' enough to be considered 'peyronies' but just enough to hit that G-spot upon entry without even trying.

    As for the "why?" - I just can't explain it... think of those pictures of West Texas when they're drilling for oil, and they tap a main, and it spews from the ground all over their derrick...

    It might not sound that appealing to you, but when that *fucking hot* fluid starts to gush, coating not only your balls, but your inner thighs, and the mattress (or carpet) you're on, it is completely, fucking indescribable. It's the feeling.

    Don't know how else I can describe it...
  2. ivantheterrible

    ivantheterrible New Member

    my wife squirts on occasion. of course she doesn't literally soak anything. just a squirt. or a large wet spot on the sheets or covers.
    she has to be really horny, turned on , and WET. the kind of pussy (my favorite kind) that is very loose, dripping wet, and hot. and i put her on her hands and knees and do her for a time and then end it with a nice pounding.
  3. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

  4. cyndi

    cyndi New Member


    I know one thing when I squirt (tiny bit) I'm really into it, I'm in my own world
  5. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator


    Thanks for sharing that with us Cyndi. Now hold still - this cinder block has your name (and brain) all over it!
  6. ivantheterrible

    ivantheterrible New Member

    i don't get it.
  7. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Well, i want to smash Cyndi's face in. Get it?
  8. ivantheterrible

    ivantheterrible New Member

    well, what did she ever do to you?
  9. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    She's fucking disgusting. At least Bull Vulva got to know us a little before sharing intimate details of her pussy functions with the forum.
  10. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Boss Hogg, you'll have to excuse Nursey for a moment. I apologize on her behalf for her misguided curtness towards the subject. See, Nursey is complacently satisfied in her own world, and has been known to sift corn starch atop grinding groins once the fluidity of the venue surpasses the normal viscosity at which arouses her.

    I don't knock the practice, nor her predilection, desire, and demands for such an event, but as I've always said, it's different strokes for different folks.

    On a completely unrelated note, I like to douse myself in liquid mercury before coitus and shove a 9V battery up my ass just for kicks. Try it sometime. :biggrin:
  11. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    This is funny Nursey and Pukey why are you so jealous.

    You two neither one have ever squirted. And actually think it is a myth still?

    I'm telling you chicks that do it ONLY do it when the sex is extremely intense. Of course I'm only going on feedback but you can tell. Its all in the way their body arches they get grinding fast then sorta jerky. It drives me nuts and we often times stop shortly after cause for a chick it’s kind of like the same as a guy busting one. Sometimes you can go another round though. Get on top that’s when it is easiest.

    I think it’s amusing that some people believe it is a myth that cracks me up.
  12. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator


    I should perhaps point out that my last post wasn't about female ejaculation. But Joe's attempt to convince us he has an exciting sex life was amusing. ;)
  13. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Well the idea of Nursey and Female ejaculation does present quite the conundrum doesn't it?
  14. noism1975

    noism1975 New Member

    Definately not urine. I had a "thing" with a girl that i worked with. When she was on top she would leave a puddles big enough to leave the outline of me from belly to thighs on the bed. Did not smell like urine. Made her slick as hell. Didn't really squirt. More like having a small bucket dumped on you. Didn't bother me a bit. Not really a turn on. Is what it is. Guess I'm not a judgemental ass like a few of you.

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