I've been seeing a lot of "being black in America" stuff on the news lately. I have to assume this is because of the very real possibility that a black man might end up as the next President of the US. Disregarding all of the arguments of whether or not Obama can actually be categorized as a "black" American, what is it about this part of American society that just can't seem to get it's shit together? This is a legitimate question. Some people say that America is as big and as powerful as it is because of all the free labor it took advantage of over the years in the form of slaves. But in reality, do you really think this has helped America or has the injection of African slaves into our society in the early years, a group that Americans used to benefit from and prosper from was just a shot of toxin that we are now liable for and who we now have to deal with? The black community, as a whole, seems to be an anchor around the neck of America and I wonder if people in the 1800's and early 1900's had realized that we'd have to one day pay the piper for all that cheap labor by taking care of these animals that we'd have actually have used them at all. What is it about this particular race of people that makes them them feel like the entitled, prideful savages that they are? What about all the Chinese slaves and indentured servants that were here and why don't we see their prodigy as such a menace? Would America be better off if black slavery had never happened?
reply... Any type of slavery should have nevered happened. The reason being for all the "excitment" is that he will be the first african american to become president, big role model to african americans. Also, if hilary gets it shell be a big role model to women everywhere if she is president. either way its going to be big ~Nya!
Sssssh! Don't mention the Chinese... With a Liberal in the White House next year, we're going to need more mass-transit, and whom better to build a railway? We'll pay them off next century.
Woosh! It's sort of a double edged sword, free labor was a huge part in our acquiring of wealth in the 1800's. Think about it for a second, all that cotton/tobacco/various other farmed and mined resources gathered with barely any labor cost involved pumped massive amounts of money into our then new economy. It made alot of people wealthy and in turn created many of our major cities, opened up trade traffic,made the trek across the u.s.a much easier etc. etc. But in turn we get shit for our past mistakes and rightfully so, slavery is fucking terrible, and it still goes on in the world(and in this country still to some degree) which is just heartbreaking. It helped create the foundation of this country but at the same time put a possibly permanent divider in it as well. Learn from past mistakes then leave it where it belongs..in the past.
I did. That's why I want to know what you mean. Why would having a liberal president necessitate more public transportation?
I think it may be a preclusion to communism and the socialist regime. You wont need a car anymore the government will provide transportation for you. You dont have to work to advance yourself, the government will provide shelter. You dont have to worry about health insurance, the government will provide. Dont worry about having to find a job, the government will tell you where you can, and will, work.
It's all ready happening now. How many hand out programs are there for individuals that dont do anything? The oppressed if you will. The down trodden. Im all for helping someone pick themselves up, but there has to be a point when the contributing members of society arent responsible for the lazy ones. The Constitution says 'the pursuit of happiness', not the guarantee of it.
There has to be a balance, I agree. It's no secret that there are always going to be people who try to take advantage of the system but I think that some social programs are really necessary. Can you point out some specific examples of the handout programs that are a problem and possible ways to fix them?
Handouts in America Having lived in the south, the blacks were calling welfare their "entitlement." You owe me.... Also, having been through two hurricanes, I've seen all the "handouts" and the color of the lines of people who were in the line for "give-aways" and the one for jobs for cleaning up debris the government was offering. Now it's reparations. I'm all for them! Give us (white tax payers) back 150 years of welfare, food stamps, free medical, housing, set-aside jobs, affirmative action, etc., etc. I'll call it even. The per-capita of blacks on "the dole" is way out of proportion to whites. If you need them, fine. Some people are 3rd and 4th generation leeches! Go apply at ANY office that is a welfare/give-away and see for yourself the proportion of ethnic balance. It speaks for itself. People should be helped on need and need alone. I've had friends denied college help and came right out and asked the nice BLACK lady helping him, but saying he didn't qualify that if he was black, he would have. It was the ONLY difference. What B.S.!
You're a racist little motherfucker, aren't you? Take a stroll around a southern trailer park and have a look at the white trash that festers there. Every ethnicity has the ability to be a dole-bludging, hand-outs-mooching, lazy son of a motherless goat. Most of what you say is just twisted statistics. The areas that were worst affected were prominently Black American low-lying areas. Thanks to the white government for putting the houses there. So, being mostly black neighborhoods were affected, of course you're going to see mainly blacks on the streets. Not too bright, are you? The news reports does your thinking for you.
White Trash is usually to 'proud' to get the handouts like welfare. They go for disability. They get so fat that they cant work. I say, quit giving them handouts they will lose weight.
Well put. I don't even need to reply directly. I know you 'got it' - but I'll break it down for anyone else that overlooked the basis of the gag in the first place. The Chinese workers were responsible for the construction of the earliest railways that spanned across the USA before travel was feasible for the common man.
It's a damn shame when you see these fatass welfare/disability recipients in their free motorized carts zooming around... Yet another example of encouraging dependence on government. We need to apply a more Darwinian approach to government itself. Put 'survival of the fittest' to the test on an social/economic scale. You can't honestly expect a regime or governing body to succeed if they stray from the evolutionary blueprint that has been effect since the dawn of time. Yes, folks. It's that goddamn simple.
The government aiding the truely disabled, and unable to work, is okay, in my opinion. I dont want to see a bunch of retards walking the streets like zombies getting hit by school busses. Those people that are physically, and mentally, able to work should be put to work. We have plenty of roads that need paving, not to mention the maintenance of the right of ways. Clean up areas where refuse has accumulated (like downtown areas and greenspaces). I hate giving people free rides. It makes those of us who work disenfranchised and fuels racial tension everywhere. It might be stereotypical, but the sad fact is there are a lot of truths in stereotypes. Hell, put them in a vocational school. let them 'work' so many hours a week while in school, then cut them a check. When they get out of school (there would be limits) help them get a job. The F up, they get to pick up trash or find some other employment. They need to take the 'glamour' out of welfare. take away the 'debit' card and give them a big PINK piece of paper that has their account info on it. Make the cashier type it in. Let everyone in line know that they are waiting on some one who is getting government handouts. Truley sincere people dont care about feeling 'looked down upon' or embarassed. Deprort the lazy ones and replace them with mexicans. Consumption Tax!!!!
The government doesn't decide where to build houses or who buys and lives in them. This guy seems to be telling you what he has personally observed.
You can't tell? I can pretty much tell when the person in front of me is a welfarite. It's usually some skank with 4 or more kids and a bunch of groceries that aren't kid-geared. They'll deny their kid a candybar saying, "I ain't go no money" yet proceed to spend 100 dollars of my tax money on their fat ass. I dunno. I think the people who abuse it aren't embarrassed. It's the people who are using it in a pinch who feel ashamed and they shouldn't feel that way but thanks to the people who abuse it, they feel stigmatized.