Actually, he could not look more like the average ticket guy at the movies. He is a complete representation so much so that it is almost cartoonish.. Give him a but load of money and he could marry any gold digger if he was wearing a different outfit and had the cash. That is the good and bad thing about being a male. It is all about playing the game and winning. You don't have to be that good looking or that anything just average with a fat wallet. Welcome to the real world.
I wear a suit, this was taken after work when I couldn't stand the fucking thing anymore. I do have better undershirts now, made by Arrow. A light brown one and a plain white. Employees have actually stopped me to ask "Where are you going after this?" in response to some of my clothing. Which is funny because I bought 3 designer suits for 15 dollars at a garage sale, perfect fit too, it was just crazy lucky.
When I look at that pic, I see someone standing in front of the targets at the shooting range. Where the fuck were you when you posed for that picture holding your V3 Razr? Dan actually has a point here. Give a complete moron access to a computer, and he can attempt to convince the world that he's a doctor. "Dan" or "Michelle" (or any of the pseudonyms you've posted under) - Go sell your story to a forum that hasn't already called you on posting as a woman. (and the other usernames you've used, as well) Honestly, I'd probably off myself if I felt that inherent insecure need that you display every time you post to 'one-up' your fellow man. I bet it drives you fucking insane, doesn't it?