Self explanatory, when I was like 8, my mom asked me to feed my new rabbit. I did, she asked me again the next day, I did again. The next day she asked "did you feed your rabbit" I replied in the most dumb ass kid way ever. "I keep filling his bowl but he keeps eating it" in this angry ass voice. I was actually trying to pull him away from the food after a while.
Were you angry because you kept taking him to dinner and he wouldnt come off it? I actually wrecked a car trying to 'drift' to impress a girl. Of course we didnt call it 'drifting' apparently the japanese invented that in the late 90s, we called it 'dirt trackin' because you would go hard into a corner and then throw the ass end out to slide around it. Really fun, but when you have a hot chick sitting beside you it is a little hard to concentrate on the road. I was 16.
As a 5 year old, I placed some toenail clippers against one of my incisors to see what it could do. As a chip of my tooth flew across the room, I found out. I didn't cut deep enough for it to hurt and it was a baby tooth, so I have only the fond memory now. I have many more. Maybe I can keep this thread going.
Stupid things you did or said when you were a child Put it this way - you wouldn't want to be in the same swimming pool as me when i was three years old.
Well, you know. I was having so much fun and...! How was i to know it would float out of my swimsuit when i stood up?
And without the tell-tale ominous "Jaws" music to warn one, those would have been treacherous waters.
Well let's see. I remember some time a long time ago I signed up on the fugly forums and have since been inundated with dumbass threads like this one and the body wash is better than soap thread ever since. Ahh regret, regret, regret....
I used to think that you died when you held your breath, so I used to lay down and hold my breath, get up and look at the spot I just died in.
I used to huff gas and rob convience stores when I was 15. I stole my first handgun when I was 14, a ruger p-92 9mm, I was straight gangsta. But seriously, I was a real prick when I was a teenager
I took a crap in the bath tub and convinced my brother to do the same. When my mother came in there were 2 turds floating in the water.