Why do hot chicks hang out with guys in little tiny t-shirts?

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by DangerousD, Jun 6, 2008.

  1. DangerousD

    DangerousD New Member

    So I go to the park and run and wear my dark shades so I can stare at the nice chicks bodies including tits and ass less obviously and I seem to have identified a trend of these hot chick hanging with dudes in little tiny t-shirts. What the fuck is going on here!!! Do hot chicks like metrosexuals? Also I went to a t-shirt store and had to buy and XXL t-shirt when in reality I just wear a large t-shirt and some gay ass black dude says you don't need a XXL and I'm thinking yeah if I were gay I wouldn't need a XXL but I'm not damnit so give me a XXL. Something is fucccckkkked up.
  2. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Look, I hate to break this to you, but, you're a TOOL, and not like a useful one. And you are apparently ugly. Its okay. One day you will meet a gold digger and you will keep her happy with your '30 seconds of fury' as long as she keeps fucking the lawncare guys.

    So rest assured your trophy bride waits. In the mean time, please keep your meaninfless fucking dribble to yourself. You are fucking up the internet.
  3. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    I'm 6'0 and weight about 235/240. I'm not fat but just sort-of big because I lift weights a lot. I've got about a 36 waist and a 50-inch chest. I'm a little bit soft these days but not fat or sloppy.

    I was at a local mall and my girlfriend was in a different store looking at stuff so I went in to a Banana Republic store that was next door and looked around and tried some things on.

    There were literally NO shirts in the store that fit me. I am, apparently, too big for the Bananna Republic. They don't sell XXL and the XL shirts there were about the same size as a medium at regular stores.

    I agree with you. If you're "the Mac guy" you can find all sorts of clothes and look totally hip, but if you're any larger than your typical measly little shit metro sexual type you're screwed.

    Moral of the story, eat more Tofu and never, ever lift weights. You're dooming yourself to a lifetime of Carhart work pants and Target t-shirts.

  4. DangerousD

    DangerousD New Member


    Come on admit it. You think anyone who graduated from high school is a tool. You're not a tool you're a fucking tool box. So go fuck yourself dumbass or find someon that gives a shit. Maybe you can go tell somebody how tall you are for entertainment.
  5. DangerousD

    DangerousD New Member

    ...and surprise suprise you wear little tiny t-shirts to "show off your pipes". Fag.
  6. Lyseria

    Lyseria New Member

    I dunno, I personally enjoy the company of one guy inparticular and he wears wifebeaters that just kind of fit, they're not uber small on him or anything. I saw him in a tshirt once...

    I suppose girls hang out with guys in small shirts for a similar reason that you guys check out girls in small shirts...only instead of cleavage, they're looking at chest/stomach/shoulder muscles.
  7. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    Cool it, man. Talk WITH people, not AT them. You'll be better off.
  8. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    Yeah, but there is obviously a limit to that. Too much of a good thing or something. Are girls grossed out by bigger guys? I think that, at least these days, the "ideal male" is some scrawny, little, overly-sensitive asswipe in a tight, black t-shirt. Is that how it is?
  9. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    You too. Don't be a dick for no good reason. Show us a photo of yourself and let us rag on how you look if you want to be fair.
  10. Lyseria

    Lyseria New Member

    I'm not sure, personally a good majority of my friends are bigger guys. I don't think that all women are necessarily grossed out (of course some are) but it's also "frowned up" by their friends. Whom all have picture-perfect boyfriends, so they feel the pressure to do the same..because the are arrogant welps with no spine!!

    And sometimes women see a bigger guy and automatically think he's a slob, or doesn't shower, or that he eats too much or he will live with his mother when he is fourty..that sort of a deal. It's bad stereo types that help along the road.
  11. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    "Big" does not equal fat or sloppy. Do chicks get grossed out by guys who lift weights and are just more muscular than other guys or is that a good thing?

    I agree, fat people are automatically stereotyped and looked at as lazy and probably neglectful of their health/appearance. But what about someone who just worked out too much and is just a little bit over-developed?

  12. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    and "ARE". I know. before you point that out...Your/you're.
  13. Lyseria

    Lyseria New Member

    Yeah, actually, too much muscle can turn a girl off. And sometimes they associate it with abuse. But a lot of women, and I know this from weight training class for sure, will gawk at someone with too much muscle and call it disgusting.

    No idea why.
  14. JEFE

    JEFE New Member


    More tofu.
  15. DangerousD

    DangerousD New Member

    I think there's a certain type of chick that likes alot of muscles and those that don't. I think the ones that do probably outnumber the ones that don't but you probably go to get to know them better before they get in the car with you which is probably worse for the one night stand from my bar room observations. I've been mostly running lately with some weights and been doing better than last winter when I wasn't working out with getting somewhere to varying degrees with about 4 girls in the last two weeks.
  16. Lyseria

    Lyseria New Member


    Depends, he said muscles that are a bit over emphasized. If you are like HUUGGEEE more women hate that then love it. If you are just toned, thats a good thing.
  17. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Too much muscle seems artifical to me. I don't want to hug a tree trunk.

    My husband is big. My ex boyfriend was kinda big. I have only dated a few small guys and one of them did wear those faggy ass tight shirts AFTER we parted ways. I hate those shirts. I just think about armpit sweat saturating the material. I think it's an ego thing. I think they wear them more for other guys than us girls.

    I have it shitty shopping too. I just get depressed because I can never find anything that fits. I'm at this weird age where I have no fashion identity. I am too old for the teenager looking shit and too young for the older women shit. Also, shirts fit weird. They are too long and too tight. You can see jean belt loops through them and I can't take it. I don't like shit tight across the chest. Not every girl wants people staring at their chest, so I wear boys t-shirts.
  18. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Maybe because people who pump iron to the point of being overly bulked up look like vain homosexuals who most likely lack intelligence due to the over emphasis on their physical being? Intelligent muscle works and looks best. That is due to being used in a sophisticated, purposeful way, developed with the full involvement of the brain, unlike the slow, cumborsome 'show muscles' that are developed on 'auto-pilot' from a series of mind-numbingly repetitive (i.e. dumb) movements in order to stand flexing in front of a mirror with.
  19. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff


    Well, exercise is exercise and it's supposed to be good for you. Mind, body and soul and all of that.

    Some times people work very hard at trying to improve themselves without the advantage of being totally educated about what to focus on and, as a result, some things 'outweigh' the others.

    All in all, it's for a good cause. Not always so that they can look in the mirror or jerk-off to the thought of themselves looking in the mirror.
  20. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Intelligent excercise such as a martial art is good for the mind, body and soul, without a doubt. But if you build up muscle for the sake of building muscle, with the sort of mind disconnect that results from such a tedious, repetitive task, is it any wonder things go out of balance? Things should be done with an aware state of mind.

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