Ahh, so the case of beer is still up for grabs! Seriously, this is a favor I'm doing for a (friend? I can't tell yet, but it's a favor none the less). Keep digging!
From Joeslogic: Hey man, thank you. I'm going to post this in the thread. Please post any information you have publicly. Thanks again.
I'm done searching. So anyone who can come up with it gets the booze. If you're under 21 (wink wink) we'll work something out.
Ok, I lied. I'll look for a couple more minutes. According to fuelslut.net the trans Am in the video is dubbed TheHeadFl. A quick Google on that reveals http://www.theHeadfl.com Registrant: Ryan Binns Registered through: Go2Reg.net Domain Name: THEHEADFL.COM Domain servers in listed order: NS1.DREAMHOST.COM NS2.DREAMHOST.COM NS3.DREAMHOST.COM For complete domain details go to: http://who.securepaynet.net/whoischeck.aspx?Domain=THEHEADFL.COM&prog_id=go2regRYAN! The original video: Ryan and Ben go surfing? Ryan's last name is Bins. so, looking further: http://who.securepaynet.net/WhoIs.aspx?domain=theheadfl.com&prog_id=go2reg Registrant: Ryan Binns 12425 Golden Knight Circle Apt 101D Orlando, Florida 32817 United States Booyahh!! I still think I win.
and on: http://www.theheadfl.com/blog/ I’m starting this blog for no particular reason. My name is Ryan Binns and I am a Software Engineer working for CAE USA, Inc. I am also a licensed pilot, a car enthusiast, and a sometimes-decent guitarist.
I think that's enough for my new friend to track down Mr. Binns and his cohort. I'm sure there is more out there so, the case of beer is still up for grabs. I just want an address and a phone number.
LOL I don't care. .....but yes....booze....will search if my internet would stop lagging. Sadly, I don't have my own internet, half the time you can find me sitting in the middle of the road to catch someones wifi.
Utah and booze don't mix. I was out there a couple years ago and all you guys are allowed to buy is 3.2% beer. I feel your pain.
But you can track down these guys in the video. So for that I'll send you a bag of shrooms or something? Oh wait. I don't have any clue where to get shrooms so... I don't know. How about an unlicensed handgun or maybe some C4?
Mormon beer is a little bit country and a little bit rock and roll. And a little bit vaguely sexually attracted to your celebrity sister. You'll never get that but yeah. Mormons are kinda weird. Come on. Get back on track and find these guys.