.......no. That is not why I'm excited, I'm excited because of the trailer and the clever wording. Mmm yeah. MGS4 is going to kick ass, though I'm kind of intrigued to see the new Alone in the Dark.. Though I do have my love for consoles, I'm a big MMO and table top gamer, aswell.
I can agree with that, but you know how those falsified hopes are....we either just hope it will die or have some very sporadic come back that we all have to excuse ourselves to a private room discreatly to express our joy.
Jeez... You two should just get a room. Maybe we should start a Fugly Romance forum... Let's ask her about her opinion on *classic* games, shall we? Lyseria, what are your thoughts on early games such as Ms. Pacman, Galaga, Frogger, Pole Position (this could be taken two ways, of course,) Missile Command, Centipede, Etc.? Just curious... Of course you realize, her response will probably dictate whether we have to pull out our cocks and fight for her companionship...
Ms. Pacman has big lips. We all know what big lips are for. Especially you men. Galaga is a gateway drug. A good one at that. Frogger has taught me a life long lesson that to this day keeps me alive when going for a soda run. Pole Position I was never too good at, but by god I tried...I suppose that game is the ultimate reason no one will let me drive. I think this is the cause of my road rage, as well. Though, I am much more satisfied with later games that give me missiles and other weapons of mass destruction in which to obliterate my fellow racers. Missile Command - I get to blow shit up. Nuff said. Centipede I never really played...infact my recollection of it is very scarce...if at all. I grew up on the classics and probably will never have them far from my heart, or my decisions when deciding how to leave my murder victim.
God, if my wife was a gamer, we'd be broke all the time. I am still trying to talk my way into a 360, but since we just bought a new car, that won't happen soon.
You would just need a smart gamer wife. ...besides, I have my gay best friend behind me slapping my hand every five minutes. "Krystal...its either a new video game or food. Decide." I'm always terribly torn at this point, I think he gets very flustered over the fact I will sit there and ponder if I'd rather have a video game or food. Lucky me, he makes me choose food.
I always use the kids as an excuse. Except for the Adult games. I think the next game I will be able to get is Force Unleahed.
Lucky you. My friend knows my excuses all too well....Though I was able to finally buy the second Prince of Persia, even though it caused me to starve for the next week and a half by God I got it...
You sound like one of my coworkers. He just got Ninja Gaiden 2 and Mass effect today. Monday he got Street Fighter Alpha for PSP. He got GTA IV at launch, the fit.... shit I could go on. I bet in the last 3 weeks he has spent 200 bucks on games, not counting the dvds he gets at the same time.. I guess it helps we make decent money.
Yikes, I don't miss those days. Except when I am at work for 60 or more hours a week, thank god for time and a half.
This week I'm scheduled eight hours. Eight. Fucking. Hours. Thats. It. I'm so pissed! It's because our GM trains new managers so they get all the hours, and we have to wait until next week until we can actually get our normal 30 hour weeks back.. ..stupid effin..grr..
you get paid for what you make. I actually pay the underlings 40%. it averages out to $500 to $1000 a week for hard workers. Lazy ass rags make around $350