Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Fernando, Jun 5, 2008.

  1. Fernando

    Fernando Member

    GARDA is a armored car company that comes to our theater, they come up stairs, make us sign things, then leave. Most of the time they are really nice, patient and conversational. However, the other day we got super dick! He was this guy named Manuel, short, tan (no idea the nationality, guessing mexican) and a real greasy haircut. We let him into the safe room and (me not being allowed to touch money until after the first month) my subordinate gets the money for him. It takes about 1.5 mins for him to get everything, this is considered good since it usually takes 3 minutes for other managers.

    He had this look on his face, the really impatient wide eyed nodding thing. Complete with lips curled in mind you. Manager fills out the bag, but before he even lifts his pen off the bag, Manuel swipes it off the counter. This causes a pen mark down it and it hits a no zone line (line you can't write on). Now he's fucking pissed. He starts cussing, throws the bag to the floor and says we need a new one. Safe can't be open for that long or they send a investigator, which we don't want. So I quickly grab a bag, fill it out while the other manager gets the money. Done in a matter of seconds. He takes it and leaves. The booth manager was in the other room, he says "Have a good one". To which he responds with a casual "No". Doesn't make sense at all, in fact he was just disrespecting a casual "Best Wishes" remark.

    So we disrespect him. We called the company up, filed a complaint about him. They apologized and said it wouldn't happen again, the whole "We are all about customer satisfaction" spiel. Well fuck, it worked. Today, no Manuel, either he had the day off or we got his ass fired. Hurray customer service.
  2. Lyseria

    Lyseria New Member

    People like that piss me off, almost every job I've ever worked they have refused to put me in a position where I deal with customers (I've worked at fast food and walmart, though walmart I had no choice since its well...its fucking walmart.) because when some asshole comes in, I let them have it.

    I had someone come in my second day of work, and I was learning everything and my fucking managers were talking and dilly dallying as I tried to ask a question, the man, after commenting to a co worker (who was off the clocked, appeared to be a customer) that "Good help is hard to get now adays" yada yada spiel.

    So then, I'm looking to my manager and he goes "Are you here? I'm not sure you're here with me, sometime I think your off somewhere else" yada yada.

    What the fuck are you, my husband? Fuck off. So, I turned to him, managers standing around and all and went

    "Listen, I am trying my best to give you the UTMOST customer service possible, if you DON'T like my BEST attempts at serving you go the FUCK home and make your OWN GOD DAMN SANDWHICH, got it?!" and I stormed off with my managers just staring at me...

    I'm a good worker, I swear. In fact, they put me on drive thru soon after. :) Now I Talk to all the cars. :D

    ...I'm usually very nice...
  3. Fernando

    Fernando Member

    That's why it's nice to have some authority, give them a shitty answer and they'll know it's the best they'll get.
  4. Lyseria

    Lyseria New Member

    Yeah...I don't really have authority..I just learn to befriend my bosses and the "favored" employees...

    And anyone with authority at Arbys is like saying you are the top of the bottom barrel.
  5. Fernando

    Fernando Member

    Hey now, arbies has a five buck round up. 3 beef n' cheddars for 5 is just great.

    Plus those roast beef pita things you have are fucking awesome.
  6. Lyseria

    Lyseria New Member

    Unfortunetly I'm aware of our five buck round up. Which you could get four roast beefs for five...or the two pop corn chickens...or the beef n' cheddars...

    But yeah, we have a ton of hidden sandwhiches. It pisses me off. And like, I get fifty percent I can get the five buck round up several times..and have like...nine beef and cheddars for like...under ten bucks...

    Sometimes our managers our nice enough to feed us, too.

    ...or we just, wait for them to leave and eat anyways...
  7. Fernando

    Fernando Member

    Fuck, tell me about the secret sandwiches, I always wondered what a big montana is. I saw it in saving silverman and never wanted to google it for obvious reasons.
  8. Lyseria

    Lyseria New Member

    It's just another name for our large roast beef, when someone first came up and was like "I want a big montana" I was like "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?!"

    My manager had to calm me down. And gahh..there are so many I'm not even sure, each place varies which one they show up and not. But like some of our sub sandwhiches and our market fresh sandwhiches..I've only worked at Arbys for a little over a month..Wendys was so much easier.

    I went to work at the wendys here but there was a ton of mexicans and a chick with one arm. The one mexican was on a power trip and kept oogling my goods..fuck that.

    But yeah. I don't know all the secret sandwhiches..when I go to work tomorrow I'll like, write them down and post them or some shit...
  9. Fernando

    Fernando Member

    Hot fucking damn! Wait...a mexican oogled your goods? Problem with them is you can't sue, because you know they have nothing anyhow. Except legal ones, they always seem to make something of themselves so they don't fall into stereotypes.
  10. Lyseria

    Lyseria New Member

    Yeah, he kept trying to get my number. Said he was going to "Give it to the manager."

    I was like "It's on..the application..can I speak with your manager directly?"

    "He no here."

    " know, my rides here I'll just drop this off later."

    ..never came back. And they fucked up my order last time I went there. Jipped me a thing of fries, and I asked for TWO slices of cheese on my number six, dammit! They gave me one!! I had to pay extra for it, too!

    I was so angry! My friend was order and I was in the back of the van yelling "TELL THEM TO GET SOMEONE WHO UNDERSTANDS ENGLISH."

    ...needless to say I don't think they like me there.
  11. Fernando

    Fernando Member

    Whenever I get a mexican in a restaurant I always get the one thats just happy to be here. Really big teeth smile. Very friendly, limited english, but fuck he's trying. Better than the kid that looks at me impatiently at White Castle.
  12. Lyseria

    Lyseria New Member

    Amen to that. I've got a peruvian friend and he's fucking brilliant. Speaks BEAUTIFUL spanish, not that gutter spanish, ya know? Just beautiful and is pretty damn good with english, too. Going to school and shit. Nice guy.
  13. Fernando

    Fernando Member

    I think this thread now counts as half of your posts.
  14. Lyseria

    Lyseria New Member

    Gotta work my way up somehow.
  15. Fernando

    Fernando Member

    Tis' true mis morman, I'm assuming your morman because your from utah. Even if your not...we will probably all call you morman anyhow.
  16. Lyseria

    Lyseria New Member

    Son of a bitch!

    No I'm not morman, my family is all anti morman has pagan books...gamer..gamer I'm a gamer..dammit..

    ..............Damn mormans! *shakesfist*
  17. Fernando

    Fernando Member

    By gamer do you mean "I'm a girl, I play mario party and Wii sports...IMMA GAMRA!!!!" or the actual, I beat Emerald Weapon gamer.
  18. Lyseria

    Lyseria New Member

    Fuck mario party. I'm pretty much anti Wii.

    ...and depends, we are talking FFVII Emerald weapon right? And yeah, I mean like gamer-gamer. I hate mainstream gamers who are like "I play guitar hero on hard, and like DDR...and dude I totally love Halo.."

    "..............Fuck you. Go die in a moldy beer can, you arrogant fuck."

    But yeah, I mean I'd prostitute myself infront of square at a chance to try Versus XIII when it comes around...
  19. Fernando

    Fernando Member

    Oh your THAT kind of gamer. I'm a girl I play kingdom hearts, GAMRA!!!
  20. Lyseria

    Lyseria New Member

    Oh woah fuck that, I just play a large variety of games, thanks. I happen to like the idea of playing the villians in Versus.

    My infatuation started with the original nintendo, the atari, dreamcast..though Sony has always been my favorite, I really loathe the fact I've yet to touch a PSX.

    Besides, Kingdom Hearts was a load of bull. I got it for my six year old cousin.

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