1. His sex appeal ranges from men to women to just about everything. I think a toaster blushed in his presence once. 2. He can't wear normal pants because his dick is just too god damn fat. 3. He has made love for hours with each and every super model...ever. 4. He has 18 degrees, all of which were earned in one 3 year session. 5. He is able to bench 700 pounds, but uses the muscles he has mostly to lift up some naturally huge tit tays...you know what i'm talking bout...all yea. 6. He is Patton reincarnate. Somehow though, he has become more awesome. Probably from all that sex. 7. He is able to ejaculate in gallons, WHOA, talk about a stud! 8. Any body he gets into turns into a hot tub For sex with fat chested girls, yeeeeeaaaaahhhhh 9. 173 women faint every day from him waking up. 10. When he was born, he won every single lottery on earth without the need of a ticket! WOW wish I was his parents!
"Dr Dan is supar and I wanna have his baby." * Famous last words. http://www.missingkids.com/missingk...NCMC&seqNum=1&caseLang=en_US&searchLang=en_US
Dan is awesome because .....he tips hookers well. Dan is awesome because .....he can poke his finger up a man's rectum without admitting that he is gay. Dan is awesome because .....he can read this list with pride and actually think people REALLY think that he is AWESUM. Dan is awesome because ..... he is part Indian, and his real name is SquatstoTeeTee Dan is awesome because .....he seldom feels the breasts of comatose 12 year olds anymore. Dan is MOST Awesome because .... he helps the older guys exit the communal hot tub.
Yeah well thats all peachy but anyone who can beat his guitar against a trash can deserves to be viciously mugged... And then beat against a trash can..or two..or ten. :/ That poor guitar.