I had a nap earlier this evening where i dreamt that Dan and Nauseous were standing outside an old house, like i'd imagine you'd find in Kentucky... ...with Nauseous standing in a small, wooden tub in a sort of ruffled, baggy bikini (like she was trying to appear a bit frumpy) while Dan poured water over her. What could it mean?
Sorry to burst your alls bubble but I am strictly a consensual sex with eighteen or older female kind of guy. If she doesn't want it I don't want it.
You can't always get what you wnat. I have 50 bucks that says some day, some one on these forums will post a link to a news story about Dan that reads, 'anesthesiologist convicted of having sex with unconscious patient' If Dan turn out to be a veterinarian, that makes no difference. Fifty bucks. Any takers?
Barry is busy clutching to a soaking-wet, fading printout of this thread, filling his tub with bubble bath, hot water and Epsom salts. Fuzzy printouts of Nursey are scotch taped to the baby-blue, tile walls. Scented candles adorn the cammode. Barry White plays softly on the eight-track. Boom chicka wow wow....
I don't need them to be unconcious. I have to do is keep in shape and continuing to perfect my game. I don't need to take it. I can get it anyway.
I'll tell ya what it means. It was a product of your subconscious desire for me to take my violet testicles and bruised phallus, give you a proper lay that would open your flood gates and convince you that female ejaculation is a reality, and you just happened to associate it (within your dream) to a person on this forum, whom in the past, was a likely candidate to experience said phenomenon. (And I don't mean Dan.) That's all.
Nauseous, having just experienced a nasty episode of explosive diarrhea, was being rinsed off by Dan who, not yet ready for "big-boy" doctoring, has been relegated to such custodial endeavors as doodie duty. Pukey was wearing the baggy bikini to allow a rudimentary cleansing without exposing too much flesh so Dan wouldn't get randy. The wooden tub and the old Kentucky abode speak to the austere nature of their relationship amongst the Fuglies. Or not.
Wow. I am having a flare and I was in the ER Monday. I did have a male nurse and a male doctor. But they didn't hose me off. They just gave me a thick drink and stuff in my IV that made driving difficult. It was raining that day.
The ER doc told me not to drive and wanted me to arrange transportation but it's not like they escort you to your vehicle, so I drove home. I was not leaving my car at the hospital. I managed to make it home, take a shower and pass out.