Had a customer today, real dumb bitch. Like she just wanted to cause trouble. Me: "Hello, how are we doing" C: "3 for Iron Man, 1 kid and 2 adults" Me: "Allright, all the same price though...15 dollars.....and there you go" C: "I needed 4 tickets" Me: "Oh, I must have misheard, my bad, 5 dollars more then" C: "I specifically said 4" Me: "I'm real sorry, loud in here, well have a wonderful show" C: "Could you have helped me without the attitude?" What the fuck is this? Me: "I wasn't aware I was being mean" She complained to the manager, saying that she asked for 3 tickets (yes, the manager even heard her say three). Also said that her kid shouldn't pay just because he's big. He was 8, the fuck. She then said that she has recieved attitude like this before here, and she wasn't aware of if it was because of her color or not. Ah, the race card comes out. So what does this bitch do next you ask? She sits on a bench and watches to make sure a manager yells at you. The manager quickly finds holes in the bitches story. She agrees with me, but to please her she says "Watch your mouth, allright?" The customer nods with this shit grin on her face. My manager then says "That was one hell of a bitch woman, she kept calling us racist" The entire theater heard about this in about an hour (everyone who works there) and we started thinking, she couldn't be mad about me, I honestly did nothing to anger anyone. We thought she just wanted to start something, which she didn't because no one believed her. What kind of mega bitch was this, and how did someone stand her enough to mate with her? Fuck me.
That's when you make a public example of her in front of the entire theater crowd. Approach her with a flashlight during the middle of the movie, and ask the she kindly leave due to repeated complaints from other patrons concerning her flatulence during the flick. Make sure to add insult to injury by patting one of the kids on the back on their way down the aisle.
Maybe she just doesnt like beaners, you know since Comedy Central tried to corral Dave Chapelle and replaced him with Carlos Mencia.
Yup, she was one of those self hating beaners. And yeah Nauseous, we had a mexican, an asain, two black guys and 4 white working yesterday. Bitch is tripping I tells ya.
1 out of every 100 people you meet everyday is seriously mentally ill, and are not being treated for their condition. 8 out of every 100 people you meet everyday have a mental illness, and are being treated for the condition. I guess you met Ms. 1.
I don't meet 100 people in a month, thank god. I remember a customer that really pissed me off once. He was old and looked like an AIDS ridden 'college professor' weirdo or something to that effect and he had his fat wife with him and he came into the restaurant where I was working about 30 minutes after we closed wanting to be served and I told him that we were closed and then he asked where a nice place to eat was. I named a few nearby places that I knew would be open (that weren't fast food) and he got totally snotty with me and said, "Obviously you don't know what a nice restaurant is!" Uh, he came into mine! And as he walked his pompous ass out the door, I said, "Obviously you don't know how to read because the sign said we close at 9." This happened like 10 years ago but it still pisses me off the way he acted. I can't stand people who think they are better than everyone else. He was staying at the Holiday goddamned Inn. How fucking classy could he have been?
true story, I've posted here a few times, but still I PWNT shitty customer relations. I worked at Prestonwood country club as a bartender. This snotty, pompus ass of a woman comes in, and wants a glass of ice water. So I send it out, it comes back, "there is no lemon". So I add a lemon, send it, it comes back "that was the waer i was just served". So I make a fresh one, it comes back, "there is too much ice", ugh, I make another with half ice, it comes back again. No I am fucking furious. At the end of my bar is a closet to hold mixers, at the back of hat is a door to a toilet. I take a glass, scoop water out of the toilet, add some ice, and a lemon wedge, and PERSONNALLT walk it to her table and serve her. She takes a huge gllug, smiles and says "perfect! you should have made it this way he first time! " you people wonder why I hate everybody and everything?
...and some people wonder why I tell them to be nice to the wait staff... Although not in quite the same vein, this thread just reminded me of a time I was working at a pharmacy, and *I kid you not* a woman approaches the counseling counter with a puzzled look on her face, and two thermometers in her hands. She asks me what the difference between an "oral" and a "rectal" thermometer is. In the straightest face I could make, I answer: "The taste." Bitch says "Ooooh, okay..." and walks off - never got it. True story.
12 out of every 100 people you meet just need their ass beat. I temped in a library once and a woman came in looking for a book on Alzheimer's. When we went to the shelf, they were all gone. I said, "I guess someone forgot to return them." That entertained me.
That reminds me of the time the bartender I worked with took my ice water and served it to someone and how myself and the dishwasher used to see how far we could spit icecubes in the ice bin. And you people wonder why I am so paranoid about dining out.
Oh, sick. I feel bad about spitting in the ice bin and we really only did it right before closing and if someone was rude enough to come in right before closing, then...
That was nasty. When I was in High School I worked at Ryans and seen the cooks in the kitchen wear out the 5 second rule.