God of War 2

Discussion in 'Games' started by GAS, May 7, 2008.

  1. GAS

    GAS New Member

    I know it's been out a while but I picked up this gem for 20 bucks a few days ago and it is all kinds of awesome.

    Oh hell yeah moment- flying on a pegasus while kicking the shit out of a griphon then jumping onto the griphons back, cutting of its wings and stabbing it in the throat in mid air then jumping back on the pegasus.

  2. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    playstatuion 2? who the fuck owns one of those fucking things anymore? Well besides 8 year old kids who's parents are dirt poor
  3. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Thrift store junkies that have a 10% chance of picking up a second-hand console that actually fucking works?

    You can't deny... Sony has a piss-poor track record when it comes to quality...
  4. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Thats yu man, I havnt had those issues with sony, personally. I have seen themshit on me, the customer before
  5. GAS

    GAS New Member


    Actually my sister has one, I'm picking up all the ps2 games I've been wanting to play the past few years on the cheap.

    I'm a pc gamer mostly but I'll be goddamned if their still aren't some awesome ps2 games still floating around out there.
  6. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    I haven't even turned my POS2 on in probably 2 years. I did pick up one of those miniature ones a few months ago for another room, but never got around to hooking it up. It's a shame, too, and you're right, there are some great games on the system.
  7. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Siny has a contract, they have to produce titles for the Ps2 until 2010. Lomo, what do you think about the 360?
  8. GAS

    GAS New Member


    Yeah it's even more awesome that every game is literally 20 bucks or less brand new, I stocking up!

    And Dwaine the 360 owns. I know like 7 people off the top of my head that have em, people I know with ps3's-zero.
  9. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    I'm very pleased with mine. I bought it second-hand (hell, you hooked me up with the damn thing), and as I knock on wood, I haven't yet had a problem with it. Occasionally, an obscene private message will show up from an "Udai Hussein" - but other than that, like I said, no problems.

    The one thing that I have noticed, however, is that occasionally, my cat will unwittingly turn the console on when I'm either not at home, or not in the room. Possibly by stepping on the media remote or one of the wireless controllers in 'just the right spot' - and since I'm set up to sign on automatically, this may give the illusion that I'm actually in front of my TV to my Xbox Live friends. (This wasn't the case with your last message, I read it, but was incapacitated to the point of not being able to respond, and I still haven't read your most recent message, because I turned the system on the other night to play the 'Republican Space Rangers' video for a female guest of mine that night...)

    Interestingly enough, my ex paid for my current Live membership (from the console itself), and then used a different CC of hers to buy me some MS points afterwards, so we could play the revamped Centipede/Millipede game... Theoretically, I could buy a bunch of shit on her tab, but I think I'll just wait and see if her card is still valid when it comes time to renew my membership.

    But, as far as the system itself goes, I'm happy with it. Doesn't have HDMI like the newer systems, but if it did, I'd have to buy a new HDMI switch, as my living room HDTV only has one HDMI input, and it's already in use with my upscaling DVD player. I do use the optical audio output with my Denon receiver, so I'm enjoying the full surround sound.

    As it stands, I've got the Wii hooked up with component input, then one of the other component inputs is shared between the original Xbox, PS2, and Gamecube (which haven't been used in the past year or more), and I've got the Laserdisc coming through in S-Video (haven't found a player that does Component video yet, but it'd be nice to have when I make a DVD from a LD)
  10. Cliquework

    Cliquework New Member

    'Republican Space Rangers' ?

    Is that some completely awesome movie that has escaped my radar?
  11. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I am still a proud owner of a 1st gen PS2. That thing is bomb proof. I have never had any issues with it and my son is currently beating the crap out of it. So far we have gotten all 3 spiderman games, the hulk, Fantastic Four, and the Transformers for it. They all are pretty good, minus the hulk, it was kind of annoying.

    I will be picking up the Iron Man game for him soon, 29.99 compared to 59.99 for the 360, plus he's just going to end up scratching the living bejebus out of it anyway.

    I may get a ps3 later, but I dont even get on the 360, so why spend the money on the PS3?

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