I got into another wreck that wasn't my fault today and this time it totalled my car (pretty sure it did anyway). I went to the ER and got checked out but of course, I want their insurance to pay for my bill and I want reimbursed for the pain meds I was given. Fucking Vicodin. I hate that stuff. The Flexeril is alright. At least I will sleep. Or I hope I will. I'm sore as hell and I want some compensation. Any advise? I'm taking a screwing because I missed work and will miss more work and I don't have a car to drive and if they total it, I will get a check that I will have to use for another car and then be stuck with car payments. My car has been paid off for 4 years and it's not fair. I'm pissed but thankful that it wasn't worse. The wreck was because some idiot waved the guy to go and he went through two lanes of traffic and into my lane and I t-boned him. The cop said he was at fault, so at least I'm not the dick in this accident.
I would get a lawyer, I know it sounds katrina-ish, but to protect your interest. They will offer you 'value' for your car, which isnt enough to replace it, they will offer to pay your medical bills, and they may give you a little over 'for your inconvenience', but they will fall short of your real cost. When I got hit by an idiot that ran a red-light (really late running light) and they (GEICO) were terrible to deal with. They didnt contact me till after the court date (Allstate paid for my repairs and medical then sued GEICO). Geico offered me like 800.00 or so for 'inconvenience' and they had me send them the medical statements. Allstate sent me a check for the 'depreciation' of my truck cause it was a 'wrecked' truck. All in all, it was a bad deal. I didnt go with a lawyer because we were real lucky and not hurt 'real bad', I went to the ER cause of my knee, but same thing, they gave me vicodin and referred me to my orthopedic dr. If it happened today, I would call a lawyer after calling my Insurance Agent (Allstate has been really good).
$50, damn. Could be worse, glad to see you got by with minor stuff. Last time I was in an accident, some rich daddy's girl driving her Mercedes SUV slammed it into the Silverado I was driving and totalled the rear of it. I should have faked a bunch of pain and shit, but I was fine, just a little shook up, I only got $800 and repairs for that.
Yeah, I have a feeling I will be getting screwed. The person who was at fault was driving a company truck though, so I would have to go after the company because I know that the insurance co. will fuck me over. I made the mistake (because no one at State Farm told me) of having the hospital bill my health insurance co, so now I have to call them and try to get them to bill State Farm and I guess State Farm will try to get the other insurance to pay. I haven't ever heard of this insurance company, so this is going to suck. I'm all stressed the fuck out and depressed over it and I guess Vicodin does kinda fuck you up. My neck and chest still hurts and I have a headache though.
Well, seatbelts are nice but they will hurt the shit out of your collarbone and chest and my neck is stiff and stressing about it doesn't help. I know it could be worse and I am thankful that it wasn't but I'm still bummed. I loved that car.
trust me, that is better than having a fucking concussion, and broken vertibre. I never EVER get in a car without putting on my seatbelt, now
Oh, I know. Had I not been wearing a seatbelt, I'd be missing teeth and shit. Weird thing is that my airbags didn't go off. I was going about 30 and T-boned him. The more time I have had to think about it, the madder I get at the stupid dumbass. He's not out a damn thing and it was his fault. I hope the company fires him.
CALL A LAWYER!!! I know three people who have sued the manufacturer because airbags didn't deploy. they all got like $200,000 settlements
I've been thinking about it. I've had a couple of people tell me to call because it was a business and if I threaten to sue, they just give me something to go away. I just want my medical bills paid, my missed work paid, a fair value on my car, some money for mental anguish because this has stressed me the fuck out, *my future pain killer addiction stemming from this accident and subsequent loss of a job, and I think a little extra considering there will be no way I will be able to replace my car with what they get and I will be stuck with car payments. *not really my fucking shoulder is stiff as hell and it hurts to raise my arm, but I am all freaked out to go back to the doctor because I think somehow they won't pay. And my car is sitting in a towyard racking up more fees that I am afraid that they won't pay.
I feel like the airbags should have gone off. Here are a couple pics. The bumper was actually ripped off and was hanging, but you can see they used a bungee cord to hold it on. The car still runs. It was the best car I ever had. I never had a problem with it for the 9 years I owned it. I'm sad.
They paid for the repairs, gave me $800, my girlfriend $1200. Probably could have swindled them for more.