What kinds of things have you invested in and how have they done? I haven't made too many investments yet as I haven't finished residency but, I have had some things I wanted to invest in. For example when the Martha Stewart stock lost half it's value before she went to jail I wanted to put alot of money in it because I knew that no housewives give a shit whether she went to jail all they care about is their "perfect table". The Martha Stewart stock subsequently went higher than it was before she went to jail. I could have doubled my money!!! Damnit. I think I may be pretty good at picking stocks.
I cant believe you would post pictures from your family reunion and then have the nerve to say they were from Kentucky. We all know what has 7 teeth and 42 toes, the night shift of the Waffle House in Dothan Alabama....
I came across this message board topic talking about investing in a company called VCG http://www.vcgh.com/ that owns the strip club PT's in Louisville that I go to sometimes and a bunch of other strip clubs. Apparently their stock went from something like 2.50 to 16 dollars over the course of last year and now back down to 3.97 with a high of 16 dollars this year. I would have to research it somemore but it might be fun to gamble a little bit of money. I think it has probably alread risen. It owns the following strip clubs and according to the old March 2007 thread at this site: http://www.elitetrader.com/vb/showthread.php?threadid=95940 was acquiring more strip clubs. Maybe Nursey would like to invest? PT’s ® Showclub in Indianapolis, Indiana (acquired 2002) The Platinum Club in East Saint Louis, Illinois (acquired 2002) Centerfold Showclub in Denver, Colorado (acquired 2004) The Penthouse Club in Denver, Colorado (acquired 2004) Diamond Cabaret in Denver, Colorado (acquired 2004) The Penthouse Club in Phoenix, Arizona (opened 2004 and sold in January 2007) Tabu (Dance club) in Denver, Colorado (opened June 2005) PT’s ® Appaloosa in Colorado Springs, Colorado (acquired October 2006) PT’s ® Showclub in Denver, Colorado (acquired December 2006) PT’s ® Showclub in Louisville, Kentucky (acquired January 2007) Roxy’s in East Saint Louis, Illinois (acquired February 2007) PT’s ® Showclub in East Saint Louis, Illinois (acquired February 2007) PT’s ® Sports Cabaret St. Louis in East Saint Louis, Illinois (acquired March 2007) Penthouse Club St. Louis in East Saint Louis, Illinois (acquired March 2007)
VCG recent developments: Apr 15, 2008 VCG Holding Corp. Completes the Acquisition of Jaguar's Gold Club in Dallas http://vcgh.client.shareholder.com/releasedetail.cfm?ReleaseID=304595 Apr 14, 2008 VCG Holding Corp. Announces 2007 Fourth-Quarter and Full-Year Financial Results http://vcgh.client.shareholder.com/releasedetail.cfm?ReleaseID=304538
Dan, i can tell you, i have had friends invest, construct, and run strip clubs.you will loose money, or you will get stuck i some legal fiasco. If you want to flip over a quick buck, fuck the drama of a tittybar,take $5000 and open a porno store, make your $20k in a year and sell that fucker like it was stolen
POT was at 140 when I started here almost a year ago, it is now at 214. Why dilly dally with 10 returns?
There is a good deal of money in the oil futures game to be made. However, since I am feeling generous, this is a company I have been working with recently, one of the by products, if managed correctly, is a very important amino acid. More on this later. The Company http://www.changingworldtech.com/ This is where short to medium term energy production is going to be coming from in very near future. Cheers! Checkers