Uh, yea, if I said the boat was full of people and I kidnap nicole kidman. Im not going to wither away in a hospital bed while people like Dan clean out my bedpan. He'd probably take it to his broom closet and smear the turds all over himself.
You know I have had the same idea of somehow going out big instead of clinging on for dear life. Mine would be more like that movie "Vanishing Point"
I dont need to go out in a blaze of glory, I just dont want to go out in pile of my own excrement with a bunch of people standing around me. Maybe I'd be the first American suicide bomber. Walk up in an al qaeeda camp and blow them up. Now that would be hilarious. Get 'kidnapped' and when they get you back to their HQ BOOM HA HA HA HA. That would kick so much ass.. .. .. .. .. Not just TNT, nice and boomy C4 with lots of stainless steel pellets so it takes out people downt the street too, you know for harboring known terrorist suspects. The media would screw it all up, it would look like a suicide bombing gone bad, premature detonation. They wouldnt admit that they got PWNED. Wear an undershirt that said "Take it HORE' Im 6'4", Im sure I could tote quite a few lbs of plastique (snotty french accent) without being too noticeable.
I had an ex-boyfriend that was 6'4 and he was the biggest baby I ever met. He cried all of the time and was such a mess that I gave him my anti-depressants. Just a little anecdote. I think you should have finished your story by saying that once you get out so far, you yell "man overboard", jump out of the boat and slit your wrists so the sharks could eat you. I knew a guy that said he was going to commit suicide that way.
I was thinking of chumming the waters up and then swimming with the fishes, but Id have to be real drunk to jump in with the sharks. Of course with my luck they would just wound me, like take an arm or something, then I would be on the boat with one arm and no gas. The last time I cried was when my son dove on me in my lazy-boy a kneed me right in my junk. Then there was that time during ER......
ER Exercise routine Exhaust ... nah Emergency Room? Erec.... nm Anywho just do not go down trying to put out a fire on the burning roof of a building that is being demolished. http://www.bellinghamherald.com/102/story/360643.html
Nah, I am an Industrial FireFighter. I would more likeley go up in a huge ammonia cloud, Or nitric acid, or ammonium nitrate, but no roof top action. But lately I have just been doing my IT thing, not a whole lot going on for the ERT.
Just do me a favor if the building is scheduled for Demo and there are no people involved that need to be saved. You yourself and family a favor and let it burn. Or maybe I missed something there.
Maybe I missed something, here in the south we dont demo shit. We just let it rot away. Every now and then local munis will burn a house that has been vacant and empty for a while. that is about it. Everything else just kind of sits there till the weeds/crack heads take over.
I think they let the crackheads get in. They know its only a matter of time before one of them sets the building on fire. We had an old hotel downtown. not a famous or elegant hotel, just old. Well this guy bought it, with intent to demo it and set something else up. Well the Historical Society of Augusta stepped in and designated the building as a landmark or something, so he couldnt demo it, well it sat there for a while, it was way to costly to renevate and get up to code, and it collapsed one day. I think it was a rainy day, or it may have been one of the snow days we get every 4 years or so, but the roof fell in and the walls kind of fell in on the pile. So the guy gets this very nice sign made "This mess brought to you by the Historical Society of Augusta"....it was taken down 2 days later, by the police.
That would make me so angry. You know I really believe those groups that claim to represent a cause Historical society, Endangered Species etc, often times have ulterior motives. A racket.
The bad thing was that it was right across the street from a really dirty strip club (not like the high class ones....). The historical society does give grants if you revitalize a building, but then you have to do it to their 'idea' and not your own, you cant change the facade of the building (just repair), just a bunch of crap.
It's shit like that prevents the urban slum areas from being anything but. And I bet you the parties involved were slum lords.