Muslim pigfcuks enjoy a double standard

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, Feb 25, 2008.

  1. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member


    So a teacher points out that Muslim school books tell 5 y.o. students that Christians are pigs and Jews are monkeys. He gets railroaded on charges and fired.

    Meanwhile they cry and moan and bitch like the filthy disgusting ungrateful little shitbags that they are. About wanting special consideration and equal rights to basically do things we don't fucking do and at our inconvenience.
  2. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Yep, that's why Im moving to Australia. That and Reiz, can be the only reason anyone would go there.

    Dont worry, when obama is elected we will be saying 'in allah we trust'.
  3. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I've always wanted to goto the "Land down Under".
  4. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    Where have you been? The double standards haven't stopped for about 40 years, its just that this time, its another muslim.

    Its like the showing of mohammed or whatever, when they kicked up a fuss about that I just laughed, because South Park already showed mohammed in an episode called Super Best Friends a few years ago.

    Its selective propaganda and will continue, the best thing to do is just not read, watch, or take part in anything, while simultaniously, doing all the things you wanted to do. Illegal or otherwise. Dont fill out tax returns, claim welfare while working, jerk em around as much as you can. Then take out a massive loan, go on a bender and top yourself.
  5. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I think this is the most intuitive post I have ever read on fugly. I think it should be part of the homepage.

    I have always said that if I am every diagnosed with a terminal illness I am going to credit out as much money as I can and then give it to my family and friends. Put a ridiculous 2nd on my house, max out my 'no limit' amex card and see how much I can actually go into debt. Then maybe steal a 1972 house boat and head out to sea. With a case of beer and enough gas to get me far enough out where I cant see land.
  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I second that.

    And that
  7. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    How many katrina victims with Louis Vitan bags can I fit on a 72 houseboat?
  8. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Tell them your trading lcd tv's for Katrina credit cards.
  9. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    Depends on how finely you chop 'em.
  10. bigpappadiaz

    bigpappadiaz Member

    Spreading any kind of hate is inappropriate and the person should be dealt with. If it were up to me the person who made those Muslim books would be out of a job, but it's not up to me. In what context did the teacher make these remarks? Was he trying to be a dick or was he having intelligent discourse.

    With how many stupid people are out there - all sue happy - he might have just been trying to have a reasonable discussion, but we don't know all that. Don't be so quick to judge, Joe.
  11. DangerousD

    DangerousD New Member

    I think we have the power to keep these dirtbags out. We just need to keep there numbers down. Look what happened to Europe. They freaking took over the cities where even police and EMS are afraid to go.

    Just one of many articles on the subject:

    Riots scare Europe
    France's immigrant rage could spill over
    Cox News Service
    Tuesday, November 08, 2005
    Paris — The French government Monday announced measures to stem a nationwide rampage by youths that showed no sign of abating, and several other European nations with large immigrant communities watched with concern that the violence could spread across their borders as cars were torched in Belgium and Germany.

    The violence claimed its first fatality — a 61-year-old retired autoworker who died Monday of injuries suffered in an attack last week outside Paris.

    MICHAEL SPINGLER/Associated Press
    (enlarge photo)
    Firefighters in Gentilly, south of Paris, battle an arson blaze early this morning. Disaffected youths, mostly Muslim immigrants from slum areas, have set thousands of fires in the country in a growing wave of violence. The government insisted it would impose order. The nationwide violence, most by Muslim youths, continued for an 11th day. The government said it would soon restore order.
    Since the riots began Oct. 27 in a Paris suburb, they have spread to nearly 300 towns in what is largely perceived as a demand for attention from a neglected and embittered ethnic underclass.

    Premier Dominique de Villepin announced curfews and called up police reservists. He promised that the government would take "the necessary measures to re-establish order very quickly."

    Carried out largely by French-born children of Arab and black African immigrants, the rioting began after the deaths of two teenagers of North African descent who thought police were chasing them. They were electrocuted after hiding in a power station.

    Many, but not all, of the rioters are young Muslims, members of a group that is disproportionately unemployed and feels marginalized by French society. Islam is the second-largest religion in mostly Catholic France. Muslims make up as much as 10 percent of the population, the largest such proportion in western Europe.

    "Most of the young generation doesn't have jobs," said Nadim Younas, 39, a Parisian sign painter of Pakistani descent. "They are standing around here. They have drugs. When they are not busy, the devil is always there."

    That devil apparently is also making its presence felt outside France: Five cars were torched Monday outside the main train station in Brussels, Belgium, and cars were also burned in Berlin and Bremen, Germany, in what authorities feared was copycat violence.

    "This is something that should concern all European cities," said Dick Leurdijk, an expert on Europe at the Clingendael Institute of foreign policy in the Netherlands.

    The U.S. Embassy in Paris on Sunday issued a warning to Americans traveling in France to be cautious. Australia, Austria, Britain, the Netherlands, Germany, Japan, Denmark, Slovakia and the Czech Republic on Monday issued warnings of their own.

    Muslim influx hits home

    In many ways, Europe is reaping the whirlwind of history. The years after World War II, and particularly the 1950s and '60s, saw major migration to Europe, with many of the newcomers arriving as temporary workers to rebuild a continent left devastated and bereft of many of its young men. They included Turkish guest workers who flooded into Germany and people from the Indian Subcontinent who moved to England for factory work.

    Decolonization propelled the migration as well, with people from former North African colonies such as Algeria and Morocco, for example, moving to France.

    Because the guest workers assumed their stay would be temporary, they made little effort to assimilate. Many Turks, for instance, have lived in Berlin for 40 years without learning German.

    But for many, what began as a temporary stay has become permanent. While first-generation immigrants generally settled peacefully into ethnic enclaves, their children and grandchildren often feel alienated — at home neither in the land of their parents nor the land of their birth.

    Massoud Shadjareh, the chairman of the Islamic Human Rights Commission in Britain, said in a recent interview that immigrants tend to compare their circumstances with those of people in their native countries, which makes them feel lucky. But members of the second generation, he said, compare their circumstances with others in their adopted homelands, and that can leave them feeling cheated.

    The anger that sparked the riots in France after the death of the two youths in the Paris suburb of Clichy-sous-Bois was inflamed when police set off tear gas near a mosque, and compounded when French interior minister and prospective presidential candidate Nicolas Sarkozy referred to the rioters as "scum."

    But its causes run deep. According to reports, half of Clichy-sous-Bois' inhabitants are under 20, unemployment is above 40 percent and identity checks and police harassment are common. Housing is dilapidated.

    In comments on TF1 television, Villepin said Monday that France "must offer them hope and a future." But he also charged that organized gangs are backing the violence as riots spread across the country.

    There have been recent incidents of violence and signs of a clash of cultures in other European cities. Most notably, British citizens of South Asian and Jamaican descent allegedly carried out the July 7 suicide bombings against the London transportation system, which killed 52 people. And riots flared last month in Birmingham, England's second-largest city, sparked by tensions between members of the Afro-Caribbean and South Asian communities over the alleged rape of a 14-year-old black girl by an Asian man.

    Last year, Dutch film maker Theo van Gogh, who made a film perceived as critical of Islamic culture, was stabbed and shot dead in Amsterdam, by a Muslim extremist of Dutch and Moroccan nationality who later got life in prison. A number of mosques were desecrated in revenge for the attack.

    Tolerance put to test

    The cultural gulf can be vast. For example, many people in the Netherlands say that Muslim values conflict with Dutch values of respect for women and tolerance of homosexuals — and that the one thing they won't tolerate in their country is intolerance.

    Likewise, French officials have said that residents of France must accept the French value of secularism. Last year, the wearing of headscarves or other religious clothing in school was banned.

    Just last week in Denmark, thousands of Muslims — unimpressed by defenses of the Danish value of freedom of expression — took to the streets to protest the publication of unflattering cartoon images of Islam's founder, the Prophet Muhammad.

    Abdelkarim Carrasco, a leader of Spain's estimated 1 million Muslims, said the French experience poses a key test for Europe.

    "Either Europe develops and supports the idea of a mixed culture, or Europe has no future," he said. "Europe has to learn from what the United States has done. It is a country that has taken in people from all over the world."
  12. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    And then? You didn't finish your story.
  13. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member


    That’s what the Bohemian Rhapsody cult would have us all to do. Numbing down our minds always giving everyone else the benefit of whatever excuse we can fathom. They are controlling our minds.:mad:
  14. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Like Dans post Smurf there are mountians of simular evidence.

    Open your eyes.
  15. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    The Muslim population in my city is quite large, yet there is never any trouble from them. They are quite settled and happy here in Scotland. There is trouble with the 'neds' though. But then they Muslim population don't all live together in slums in abject poverty here. The neds do.
    The worst riots to have ever happened in the U.K. were in a predominantly black populated area of London known as Brixton. Of course, this is because the blacks are a bunch of filthy, uncivilised animals who need to be dealt with! (said in my best 'Sith Ifrikin' accent). Or rather, because the rioters in question lived in an area of "deep social and economic problems — high unemployment, high crime, poor housing, no amenities — in a predominantly black community. An attempt at proactive crime control did much to increase tensions. The Metropolitan Police began Operation Swamp 81 at the beginning of April, aimed at reducing street crime, mainly through the heavy use of the so-called sus law, which allowed police to stop and search individuals on the basis of a mere 'suspicion' of wrong-doing.". If it had been a predominantly Chinese, Indians or who lived in such a downtrodden area and who were constantly harassed, it would have been a Chinese or Indian riot.

    The key points in the article Dan posted are:

    "Disaffected youths, mostly Muslim immigrants from slum areas"
    "a demand for attention from a neglected and embittered ethnic underclass"
    "Carried out largely by French-born children of Arab and black African immigrants, the rioting began after the deaths of two teenagers of North African descent who thought police were chasing them."
    "Many, but not all, of the rioters are young Muslims, members of a group that is disproportionately unemployed and feels marginalized"
    ""Most of the young generation doesn't have jobs" said Nadim Younas, 39, a Parisian sign painter of Pakistani descent. "They are standing around here. They have drugs. When they are not busy, the devil is always there.""

    So groups of disaffected youths in a slum area with high unemployment and high levels of drug abuse...Brixton all over again. This is first and foremost about poverty - not race or religion. It is only the narrow, twisted racist mindset that could believe that Muslims are somehow wired intrinsically different to the rest of the human race.
  16. DangerousD

    DangerousD New Member

    The difference between black people and Muslims is that black people just want an equal slice of the pie. In the U.S. blacks see themselves as Americans. Yeah sometimes their are some tensions and poverty contributes. However, race relations are getting much better. They share a common religion that preaches common values. By contrast, Mulsims refer to nonbelievers in Islam as kuffar that should be killed when significant strength is available and only allied with in as far as they are unable to defeat the "kuffar" or nonbeliever pig. That just isn't compatable with living along side each other at least in the unadulterated form. They are welcome to it but they need to keep the crap over in the middle east. Blacks actually make our society better they don't dream of bringing down towers brining thousands of people to their death who are after all just dirty stinking "kuffars". African is a race. Islam is a religion of hate. I fdon't think we are under any further obligation to let them in. Yeah the ones that are already here we can't do much about. Hopefully they can be assimilated and leave alot of that crap behind. Europe is paying the price for turning a blind eye to it in the name of "tolerance" and "progressiveness". You don't see these Islamo facists countries inviting over vast amounts of christians to become citizens not that any would want to come where they would likely be attacked.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2008
  17. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Excellent points and yes Nursey you are correct about the common characteristics, the recipe so to speak that create the perfect conditions. You should take note that the reason you were able to quote this from the article is because they were notated. In actuality the notating of those points demonstrates the author is aware of and sympathetic to their plight. However Dan’s point is very accurate and right on target. This is not notated in the article because ridiculously it is incorrect to do this it goes against the politically correct ideal of religious tolerance.

    What’s religiously tolerant about tolerating a religion that is un-tolerant of all religions but its own?

    If I go there to these areas and setup a shop, i.e. a pawn shop, book store, laundromat, ...whatever under the owners name of Joseph Abraham. Are the local residents going to give me their business? -or- will they choose to not tolerate me?

    Whatever happened to the polite Muslim famous for being such a great host to a stranger? Would these people not be a lot better off if they stopped sending their money off to war mongering jihadist and fed their own family rather than live off the charity of the very people they despise such as the French?
  18. DangerousD

    DangerousD New Member

    Fuck em.
  19. phatboy

    phatboy New Member


    Just not planning on boating back in. :)
  20. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Sounds like the prelude to that movie Dead Calm

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