Greetings from Texas

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by ucicare, Mar 12, 2008.

  1. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    You really need to get out more. :)

    Once my kids are older we are going to start flying more. Just go to orbitz or whatever and book a last minute flight out of Charlotte (a lot nicer and cleaner airport than ATL). Just fly away for a couple of days, see stuff I aint seen before.

    Farthest North I have been was into Ontario, CA (It is awesome, it's like BFE Georgia but colder) The beer was excellent and the people were very nice, eh? They had some of the craziest weed I have ever seen, and it was mui potento'.

    The farthest south I have been is Daytona, I think, I havent been to Miami, or any of the islands (yet). And the furthest west would be College Station TX. Very nice. Chicago, Buffalo, and Manhattan, nice, Niagra Falls NY (Sucks) Niagra Falls Canada (kicks ass).

    A guy did kill himself at a black jack table at the Niagra Falls NY casino, apparently his girlfriend was the dealer, and he lost their crack money, then he blew his brains out. at the table. There was an idiot on tv, "I Cant believe he had a gun in there, there are clearly marked signs saying that they are prohibited" HA HA HA
  2. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    I'm out in Colorado for a while and this past weekend we went to Estes Park and took a look around the Stanley Hotel. That was the hotel that inspired the Shining. It was pretty cool. I'll post some pictures too eventually.
  3. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Are these going to be like the tornado/hurricane pictures that Lomo was supposed to post?

    I think Barry and Joe visited that hotel where "dirty dancing" was filmed..... :eek:
  4. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    That's one of the few places I wanted to see. Damn. Waterfalls have always awed me since I was a kid.

    I love rivers, lakes, ponds trees and rocks. I have never had an attraction to see the ocean. (people, sky, sun and sand... blah)
  5. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Niagra Falls is awesome. But, for stuff to do, there is nothing on the New York side. It is pretty crappy. There are a bunch of abandoned plants that a)cost to much to repair or b)have so much toxins that its unsafe to go in.

    On the Canadian side you have a lot better choice of Casinos, really cool casinos, plus the arcades, ripleys, hersheys, and all the 'amusement' type stuff is over there. Nicer hotels. The company I was training with put us up in the Days Inn in NY, it was janked up. I did have a decent view of the falls and the roar of the water could be heard all night.

    You should go, just go to the Canadian side.
  6. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I hate people and gambling and love abandoned buildings so it sounds like the NY side would be the way for me to go. I can take pictures of abandoned plants. I honestly go around and take pictures of abandoned places, so it actually sounds like a cool vacation to me. :)

    The Canadian side sounds terrible to me.
  7. GAS

    GAS New Member

    If you like abandoned plants come to Michigan, you can't turn a corner without seeing one.

    And Canada fucking rules, if it wasn't so damn cold I would move there.
  8. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Fo' Sho

    We went into one of the abandoned plants. The company that was training me leased one of the administrative buildings from the company that owned the plant. So it was pretty much just wide open behind the office. One of the workers took us in. It was crazy. I dont know what they made there, but it looked like coal soot (sut?) was about 3 inched deep on the floor. the building was huge, lots of old office furntiture and stuf, broken glass(of course) and the occasional beer bottle. We spent about an hour walking around in it. I might google map it and see if I can find the plant. There was a couple there, the guy said it was too expensive to repair, and that with NYs taxes so high there was no economical reason for anyone to do anything to it.
  9. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Ok, got them loaded on photobucket.

    This is right by the falls, I stayed at the luxurious days inn, smelled like 1000 people died of emphysma in it (yea I still cant spell).

    This is the "American Office" for the Espera company, they make a weigh/price/label machine that is pretty sweet, the company I used to work for bought one and that is why I be there, to learn how to set it up. The 'training building' is the office and 'hands on' classroom the storage building is the warehouse that was the 'showers' of the plant they converted it, but it still had the old tile on the floor, pretty neat.

    The gentleman that ran the American office was canadian (the espera company said they wanted the office in America, and this is as close as he could get to his house :) .

    If you google map Niagra falls, niagra ny and just follow the river down from the falls about a mile, and look to the right. You will see a boatload of these abandoned plants.
  10. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    I've seen Rome, Amsterdam, Iceland, Ireland, Egypt, and Kuwait but it was all work related. I don't get out much for fun.
  11. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    You went somewhere that was 'abandoned' and didnt take Pukey? What sort of Fugly regular are you anyway?
  12. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    This was right about a year ago, I wasnt aware that she was into 'abandoned', had I known I would have gladly dragged her in there.

    Next time I will know.

    *The more you know...
  13. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

  14. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Thats pretty sweet.

    Did you watch the history channel special, life after humans? (Something like that). It was pretty kewl.

    They went to a city outside chernobyl, which has been abandoned since whenever in 89 or so, it is wild. The guy is carrying around a geiger counter to make sure it is 'safe'. Goes into schools and stuff. It is amazing how much the vegetation has taken over in such a short time. It showed that if every humand died right now, the only signs left of mankind would be the ones that have been here for ages. The sphinx, great wall, yadda yadda, but things like buildings, paper, and all would be gone. The earth would grow over and then break it down.
  15. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I missed it. It was on and I ended up watching something else. I remember wanting to see it though.
  16. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    That hotel is pretty sweet. What happened to it?

    We have a small one here in town that was a Ramada Inn/Western Sizzlin that went belly up because the son that took over was a big druggy and ended up pissing the place away. Closed the restaraunt then ended up living in one of the hotel rooms (not a big nice one) until it got condemed. They tore it down recently but just built another hotel where that one was.

    We have an abandoned VA hospital that is pretty cool, pre-wwii.

    The old confederate powder works is still in operation as a textile mill,(kings mill), and the abandoned graniteville plant was converted to offices and 'flats' about 40 years after being closed.. . . .. .
  17. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    They did big time renovations to it and then it wasn't doing well, so they closed it about 10 years ago. It's about a 9 hour drive from here, but I am too chicken to go see it.

    Check out this site:

    Awesome pictures of a ton of places. He changes names to quite a few of them and I google my head off until I find out what they really were with the few clues I am given. I have decoded quite a few of these places but there is one that I haven't and would love to find it.

    I can't find it now. Still looking. It was a cool place.
  18. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    That guy needs to get down south. He is missing out on a bunch of stuff.

    I will take some pics this weekend, I dont think I will go as 'in depth' as he did, but a couple of drive-by shots shouldnt be too bad.
  19. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Yeah, it's good times. :)

    After I dunno, three hours of googling. I finally decoded the hospital I was looking for:

    J. N. Adam Memorial Hospital and it's only 5.5 hours from me.

    After getting clues from the pictures my jackpot google search was, "Pan-American Exposition building tuberculosis"

    It bets reading about terrible Crohn's all day. :)
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2008
  20. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Okay, this first one shows the original 'stack' of the confederate powderworks Augusta, GA.

    The building behind it is a textile mill that was rebuilt in 1880, apparently the North had an issue with us manufacturing black powder and dissassembled the building....cept for the stack.

    If you notice at the bottom of the stack there is a confederate battle flag on the 'stack'.

    The pics I have are much bigger, could email if interested, PM.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2008

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