I'm sitting at Joeslogic's computer right now, so greetings. I met Joe, his wife, and both dogs. Joe cooked 5 lbs of Fajita's, and if he can find batteries for his camera we will post a picture and prove it. We sat by his pool and drank a cool Coors. Also went to a real Mexican market and bought the Fajita stuff. So nice. I am here in Texas until Friday. Maybe Joe and I get together again tomprrow for leftovers.
I have seen the movie a million times but haven't finished the book. Dean Koontz books I can read in a few days, but King always takes me a while. And that book he wrote with Peter Straub (Black House), fuck that book. It made no sense. I might as well been reading "The House of Leaves".
I disagree, it was a good book, but it was like the stand, and it is a huge book. Kings books are just way too big, and kinda all resemble the stand.
I liked "Everything's Eventual" a bunch of short stories. They made a movie out of one that I know of. "Riding the Bullet". It was pretty good.
I know what your talking about. I never got through the regulators. It was just too off the wall ridiculous. I kept losing my place and since it made no sense it was hard to pick up where I left off. I like the Gunslinger series and the Shining though.
I agree with Dwaine his books are over rated. Phat is right you can get pulled in but they are so damn long after a while you just look at the sheer volume of pages and decide quality entertainment verses go live a life factor just does not balance out. Barry you need to make sure and get with us before you leave. We still got to do that steak dinner at "The Keg".
Wasn't that done under his other name (Bachman)? I did read it only because like 14 people were killed in the first few pages and I was working midnights and had nothing else to do. I think it was alien related which I never like. I like horror, not sci-fi.