Best Titles for multi-million dollar books

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by DangerousD, Feb 21, 2008.

  1. DangerousD

    DangerousD New Member

    Writing a book is a good way to make alot of cash if you can sell a bunch of them. So far I have only come up with one. Please submit your titles so your fellow fugly members can help you in your quest for the next multi-million dollar best seller.

    "You have to want to fuck yourself before you can fuck a supermodel"
  2. DrunkenIrish

    DrunkenIrish New Member

    "On the road to success : The George W. Bush Story"
  3. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    "How the Internet made me a Doctor" by Dangerous Dan

    "Dahmer is my Uncle and I borrowed his fridge" by Dangerous Dan

    "It's okay to fondle them if they are under heavy sedation" by Dangerous Dan

    "Mental Retardation: The ultimate legal loop hole" By Dangerous Dan

    "Men, the other white meat" by Dangerous Dan

    "I Just Swallow, it's high in protein!" by Dangerous Dan

  4. DangerousD

    DangerousD New Member

    So I see you liked the swallow book. I hate to break it to you but that Dangerous dan is a very common moniker. Anyhow I am glad you found a book you found useful even if I had nothing to do with it. Please don't let my lack of endorsement of the book curtail your enjoyment of your favorite newfound titles. Happy swallowing...... I guess.
  5. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Ouch. Your quick wit is so stinging.

    "I know you are but what am I: The undefensable defense" by Dangerous Dan

    "Keep saying the same things and eventually they will here* you" by Dangerous Dan

    *keeping it real
  6. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    "Making fun of others DOES make you feel better about yourself" by Phatboy. :)
  7. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    :) At least somebody was paying attention. :)

    "101 reasons why I'm Dying" by pukey

    "Chicks dig guys in Spiderman Underoos" by Schmedrick

    "Bleach, it does a body good" by Dr. Scum

    "No, as a matter of fact, I wasn't on Full House" by Colonel Havoc

    "12 Easy Steps to stop playing with your Joystick" by Lomo

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