Aside from her toungue she has a very stupid pain in the ass feel about her. I have the feeling her IQ is 75 and she is intolerable to be around even if her mouth was duck taped shut. There is no sign of any form of inteeligence in those eyes. I only see pain in the ass there. Don't ask me how I know but I am 100% sure of it.
That's a bullshit rule. It doesn't take one to know one unless you come from a family of retards so I guess in your case it might be true.
The word ZING around here has be highly adulterated. Disorder never zinged anyone. He couldn't get a Zinger in a Dolly Madison processing plant.
Sounds like someones poor little feelings got hurt. Then he reverts back to his "I know you are but what am I" defense. It made me laugh, there for it qualifies as a ZING beyotch.
She'll parlay her 15 minutes into a show of some kind i bet. Thanks Chris Crocker! I hate the interweb sometimes.
No, that fruitcake fucked that up for everyone. they threw money at him, and called him in to ink a deal, and he acted like he does on youtube, and pissed away that developmental deal.
You sound bitter, did you have a deal fall through recently? The IMC hour, now that's a reality show I'd fucking watch!!
I thnk you hate that I am better than you or else you are gay and I am not and that is frusttrating to you at least thAt is the short version.