The only Prince Song that rocks:

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by DangerousD, Feb 22, 2008.

  1. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    That's even funnier.
  2. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Okay, it wasn't actually "tint" but Ruffies trashbags look like it from a distance and it keeps the peepin' Toms from a-lookin' in.
  3. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    I'm well aware of what (rather, whom) dictates property 'values' - I was just trying to stupidify my response in a language that Dan would associate his erroneous reference to. It's called "catering to your audience" - if you're talking to a first grader, you have to talk in a manner in which their undeveloped minds can comprehend. On the same note, if you're talking to a complete moron, someone with absolutely no clue how the world operates, you must adjust your approach as well.

    :) That's okay, Dan... As long as you're close to the lines, it doesn't matter if you cross over one with your crayons... :)
  4. DangerousD

    DangerousD New Member

    When you close your eyes you hear that donkey kong music and you see the little barrels rolling down don't you?...and when presented with a problem you mind repetitiously goes through the motion of pushing the joystick up, down, to the right to the left, or pushing the jump button no matter what the situation or the futility of your conditioned response.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2008
  5. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    I wouldn't know.

    Ha! I've probably got some shit here that even you fantasize about...

    You're confused (which never surprises me) quit describing your neighbors...

    It doesn't matter what goddamn time of the day they're making noise. And to be honest with you, it wasn't so much that the noise itself bothered me - it was the obvious lack of proper parenting that allowed for such behavior to occur. I hate to say it, but I think you would be in agreement with me (even with your horribly misplaced pompous and condescending manner of thought) - children should be seen and not heard. I don't give a shit if you're in a supermarket, retail store, or even in your own back yard. There is a fucking time and place for children to let out their steam, and it is not in my presence. If you're a pathetic enough parent to not be able to control your children, take the kids to a playground for Christ's sake, wear them out, and bring them home when they're exhausted -- or, if all else fails, do your fucking job as a parent and teach your children how to fucking act.

    As you stated, Dan, a person's home should be their place to relax and do so without interference from others. It doesn't matter what time of the day it is. As long as I'm thinking about it, are any houses in your area up for sale? It'd almost be worth it to buy one just to put my sound system on the patio and piss you off at 3 AM...
  6. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Um... No. I can't say that has ever happened to me.

    Always remember, you're the one that supplements your own pathetic existence with impersonal banter amongst complete strangers over the Internet. Tell me, when you're talking with your superiors (this would include just about anyone, by the way) at the water fountain, do you actually divulge the fact that every story about a 'friend' or 'acquaintance' you have is actually someone you've never met over the Internet, or do you just play it off?

    Let me know if I'm hitting close to home on any of these, dipshit...
  7. DangerousD

    DangerousD New Member

    Why don't you got get some foam earplugs if you have to sleep during the day?
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2008
  8. DangerousD

    DangerousD New Member

    Nope. I must admit I believe I got the better of you. My blood pressure is resting comfortably around 120/80 whereas yours is likely topping out over 160 systolic at least. If you were my neighbor and you started to crank the music up. I would eventually come over and kick your ass or die trying if I couldn't find another way. If there is one thing I have never been able to tolerate it is someone who thinks I'm going to play the part of a doormat. It's gotten me into trouble before truth be told. All that shit about kids being seen and not heard is a load of crap. I don't suggest you ever have any kids or you might wind up in the state pen.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2008
  9. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I think a person should be able to do what they want, when they want, at their own homes. I hate a covenance and think that if I pay for this house, then if I want to put 2 plastic flamingos in my front yard going at it, I should be able to. I do understand how this could detract from others property values (at least the 'sold' value). That's why as president I will have every neighborhood whose average yard size is less than 2 acres demolished and rebuilt. With lots between 5 and 10 acres. If you cant afford it, or dont want it, you will be moved into government housing.

    On a serious note, kids will be kids, noisy neighbors will be noisy neighbors. When I was in school, full-time, my neighbor got up and started cutting the grass at about 7am. I went into my backyard, with my bag of 'shag' balls, and started chipping over the fence at him till he cut his mower off......Several days later we both laughed about it, but I think I got my point across... . . . .

    Being considerate of your neighbors is a nice thing to do. They fail to do it, you have no obligation to continue being considerate.

    Lomo, what music was you playing that late at night? Was it Barry White? :)
  10. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Who said anything about sleeping during the day?
  11. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Actually, I've never had a problem with hypertension. Kudos for wowing the barbaric hordes with your scientific terminology regarding the interpretations of the sphygmomanometer.

    I've seen your picture - I doubt you could kick your own ass. The only way you could ever kill someone would be to subject them to your piss-poor grammar and kindergarten-level English skills in the following manner:

    If this is true, why do you continue to post here?

    Quite frankly, I'm surprised you've lived this long.
  12. DangerousD

    DangerousD New Member

    You don't really think I going to sit here and go back and forth with you just to hear a bunch of stupid gay little quips do you with no basis in reality. If I wanted to do that I would watch the Bill Mauer show.
  13. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Typically, I play Gustav Holst's "The Planets" (specifically, the first track, "Mars - Bringer of War") - but that particular night, I had a vengeful hair up my ass, and played something to the effect of "Little John and the East Side Boys" - some heavy bass that even my deaf cat heard, and a guy that couldn't resist saying "OKAY" in every song. I'm not going to lie - that shit was loud, and I could even feel my nostrils vibrating. It's funny, too, because every 5 seconds or so, you think your cell phone is vibrating.

    Hell, I could probably play Braham's Lullaby on my sound system and make shingles fly off the roof.

    I agree with you on the point you made regarding being able to do what you want with your own property, for the most part... Don't even get me started with "Community Action Groups," though (not that I've ever had to deal with any, but the mere thought pisses me off.)
  14. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    For once, you're correct.

    You're admitting to the fact that you have not the mental capacity to hold a typical conversation.

    I don't watch television, so I can't comment on the "Bill Mauer" show, but when you say you don't have time to trade "gay quips" - why did you start a thread about a Prince song in the first place?
  15. DangerousD

    DangerousD New Member

    Ive got the mental capacity to make over 300,000 dollars a year donkey kong boy. I don't really desire any more "mental capacity" than that
  16. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    You should really exploit that. Honestly.

    If you spent the time to apply yourself, you could probably even afford to put together a Halloween costume that cost more than $6:

    Seriously, what the fuck were you supposed to be? I'm seeing the love-child of Mr. T and Johnny Depp when I look at that photo...
  17. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    You still haven't answered my question, by the way.
  18. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Actually, there's at least two questions so far that you've avoided.

    Go back and read.

    Remember, it's 'top-to-bottom', 'left-to-right'...
  19. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Thats one thing that really blows my mind, how Audiophiles are making really small boxes, and enclosures, but gettig such wonderful bass and treble. Used to be if you wanted earth shaking bass, you had to have a huge cabinet, ported with 4 fiften inch woofers. Now with electrostatic driverrs, and tuned ports you can shake the earth with a 8 inch woofer and a 2 foot cubed encloser.
  20. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    That's what I do in a vehicle, but for home use, you simply cannot hold a candle to four Kenwood 777S's powered by an old-school amp. 5-way speakers, 6 individual speakers per cabinet (16" woofers - not *sub*woofers, mind you - these handle the frequencies a typical woofer would respond to), and a DC amp with a gain control switch:

    (obviously, I'm talking about the one on the left... I sold the other pair in this picture, and can't remember exactly, but I think the woofers were 10" - maybe 12")

    I don't care what kind of modern equipment is out there - I've never met a pair of speakers that would make me consider replacing a pair of these (and I've got three pairs). Don't get me wrong, I like the Bose Lifestyle surround music system in the study, but for sheer audio brutality, I always go back to the Kenwoods...

    The thing I've noticed about these modern approaches to audio is that they emphasize (and amplify) the bass and treble to give the impression that they're replicating the original recording, while leaving out the mids that sew the whole sound together. I think you'll find that you'll prefer a good (high powered) "old-school" setup to the newer devices they have available now.

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