We had a school shooting in Mobile today. I am going to be on the 10:00PM News talking about it if any of you care to watch. I think the station has a website that archives the clips. It's WKRG News 5 in Pensacola/Mobile. That is all.
The video should be on the website after 10:30PM Central time. They shot about 20 minutes, but I only expect to see 30-40 seconds of the interview.
Mobile is a relatively small town, The entire three county region of Mobile, Baldwin and Escambia County Fla. only has 1 million people. It's easy being a star here. All you have to do is say yes when they call.
Are you going to be shown in handcuffs, being loaded into the back of a squad car? Why'd you do it, man? What is the matter with you?
So wait. I'm confused. Was the shooting at the school just one kid killing himself? What happened there exactly?
The kid killed himself in front of a crowd. He was arrested several weeks ago for armed robbery. He had court this week, and just killed himself instead of facing the music.
What was that you were saying about not needing somebody molesting your inner child? I guess thats only true when it's not a Bubba from Alabama.
My only reference to Barry's accent was Deputy Dawg. It was crap, i know. Do Kentuckians have a lazy, southern drawl too?
I'm from Alabama, where a lazy southern drawl is a prerequisite for credibility. You sound like a Brit. Good thing, since you are. I am sure you understand.
In fairness, let me clarify my statement. Dan is right to be proud of Louisville. It is a great place, and very progressive. It is home to a world class medical school and teaching hospital, good education, great sports, excellent social and business class, etc. The rest of Kentucky has a few bright spots as well. But overall it is an ass backwards and redneck state, with it's fair share of toothless and illiterate inbreds However, the same thing can be said of Alabama, or any Appilachian State for that matter. Certain areas in Alabama are very progressive, and in fact, offer world class opportunites. A large part of the State, like Kentucky, is ass backwards. The Appilachians start at the Southern part of New York State, and run all the way through Kentucky to Alabama. It was always the least desireable land, so anywhere on that faultline you will find the "Mountain People" that earned the stereotype of the "backwoods redneck" in history past. You Brits (Nursey) probably have the same situation. I bet you can find the less educated and backward anywhere.
I like western kentukians as well. Some of those small towns are really the best most friendly places for kids to grow up in and I spent alot of my summer vacations visiting my grandparents there. There just isn't that much to offer once they get older in alot of cases. That's why those towns usually stay about the same size one hundred years later. They are still some of the best places to fish with lots of great lakes and rivers for waterskiing, fishing, ect... I generally don't like eastern kentucky mountain people all that much from my experiences but that has been mostly as it relates to having to take care of their self induced medical problems and prescription seeking. Whereas in western kentucky they have some pretty draconian sentences for drugs and publish the abusers names in the paper.