...and they are ridiculous. "It's the Arockolypse." "On the day of Rockining" What a dumbass song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heMXvB1cgiI&feature=related
Lordi is Finnish, what do you expect? I mean they are like GWar without the talent, and stageshow. here is the studio video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbiehX56YnA&feature=related here is GWAR doing a cover of Mentors Golden shower, while they kill El Duce' on stage http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LFIFwq5mCI&feature=related now thats fucking entertainment!!!
Haha. You know Kiss had better songs but I thought they were pretty gay also with their evil clown outfits.
Here is some real music. I'm in love with the fat chick on the washboards. "Your cousin's on cops!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcDFpH-VdNQ
God Gave ... was penned by a crappy Christian metal band called (from memory) Petra. "I Want to Rock 'n Roll all Nite" is one of the greatest party anthems of all time. And Ace Frehley is the shit. I am, and shall remain, a fully paid-up member of the KISS army. Shout it out loud!!
Jumping on a bandwagon is SOOO Rock and Roll!! A rock band making a disco album, I don't know if it gets any lower then that.
Add this to the list of reasons America is the greatest nation on Earth... umm.. yeah. http://youtube.com/watch?v=YePEGidO0d8 I touched Slymentra's boob once at a show at the old Hammerjacks in Baltimore. I didn't wash my hand for a month and it started to grow a cactus on it. Man, those were the days.
Jefe, i saw RAWG, with the X-cops (Gwar are dirty cops) they made RAWG because Brockie (oderus) was arrested in Charlotte after a show for child endangerment (A 14 year old girl got kicked in the head near the mosh pit) and the plea bargain was GWAR would not perform in NC for 4 years. So they did he RAWG thing, on tour with the X-cops