Artist killed herself over guilt for having killed her babies

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, Feb 23, 2008.

  1. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Artist hanged herself after aborting her twins

    An artist killed herself after aborting her twins when she was eight weeks pregnant, leaving a note saying: "I should never have had an abortion. I see now I would have been a good mum."

    Emma Beck was found hanging at her home in Helston, Cornwall, on Feb 1 2007. She was declared dead early the following day - her 31st birthday.

    Her suicide note read: "I told everyone I didn't want to do it, even at the hospital. I was frightened, now it is too late. I died when my babies died. I want to be with my babies: they need me, no-one else does."

    She saw her GP before the termination, but missed an appointment at a hospital in Penzance. She then cancelled, but later turned up to an appointment at a clinic at Royal Cornwall Hospital in Treliske. The counsellor was on holiday so a doctor referred Miss Beck to a pregnancy counselling telephone service eight days before carrying out the abortion when she was eight weeks pregnant, the inquest heard.

    The coroner, Dr Emma Carlyon, ordered that the identities of the doctor who performed the abortion and her lead consultant be kept secret.

    The inquest heard that Sylvia Beck, the victim's mother, wrote to the hospital after her daughter's death, saying: "I want to know why she was not given the opportunity to see a counsellor.

    "She was only going ahead with the abortion because her boyfriend did not want the twins.

    "I believe this is what led Emma to take her own life - she could not live with what she had done."

    The doctor said: "I discussed Emma's situation with her, and wrote on the form, 'Unsupported, lives alone, ex-partner aware'.

    "It is normal practice to give a woman the number for telephone counselling when a counsellor is not available.

    "I am satisfied that everything was done to make sure that Emma consented to the operation.

    She added: "We have since appointed more counsellors so there is more holiday cover."

    Katie Gibbs, Miss Beck's GP, told the hearing: "She was extremely distressed by the abortion procedure, and I didn't think she ever came to terms with it.

    "She had a long history of anxiety and depression. Despite my best efforts, she was not willing to see a counsellor after the termination."

    Her boss at the clinic, said: "The time that can be given to a woman by a counsellor is limited in a busy hospital.

    "I am satisfied everything was done to make sure Emma was consenting to surgery. I don't feel there was any gap in the counselling service.

    "There were lots of individuals who would be alert to any doubts. The comments made by Emma's mother are not about a doctor I recognise."

    Mrs Beck told the court: "Emma was considered a talented artist, and sold a number of paintings.

    "She was pleased when she became pregnant, but Ben reacted badly to the news."

    Recording a verdict of suicide, Dr Carlyon said: "It is clear that a termination can have a profound effect on a woman's life.

    "But I am reassured by the evidence of the doctors here."
  2. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    It's messed up that this woman was crazy enough to believe that an 8 week old, unformed glob of flesh was a "baby". What led her to commit suicide was deep seated psychosis not this...

    I wonder if she ever had eggs for breakfast.
  3. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    I'd say she had other issues as well.
  4. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    That looks like a little baby to me. And I'm one of those people who can't see the ship in a stereogram.

    Eggs in the store are unfertilized. They aren't "baby chickens". Roosters have nothing to do with egg-laying. Hens lay eggs no matter what. (When they are 6 months or older) Roosters do play a part in baby chicks though. If a hen doesn't mate with a rooster then the egg will just be an egg, and could never possibly be a baby chick. If a rooster mates with the hen, the egg the hen lays can be incubated or sat on, and it will hatch. Only when a rooster mates with a hen is there a baby chick in the egg the hen lays.

    [rant]The egg industry is fucked up because they force molt the hens into laying eggs. Force molting is starving the chicken so it goes into shock and lays eggs. I didn't know this prior to becoming vegan.


    The woman in the article is fucked up. No man would ever tell me what to do with my body if I got knocked up. I think it's a cop-out that women use to rationalize having an abortion. It's easy to shoulder the blame. I knew a bitch like that. She got knocked up thinking it would get her boyfriend to commit and when he that didn't work and he didn't want a baby, she had an abortion but then cried and blamed him for it. He didn't hold a gun to her damn head, so whatever. Some guys are total abusive assholes and might throw the woman down the steps or kick her or whatever and I can see the rationale of 'being forced' behind that to some extent. I don't think it was the case here.

    I don't feel sorry for that woman, but I do feel sorry for the chickens.
  5. Schmed

    Schmed New Member


    So when you eat eggs you are not killing an animal, you are just raping one..I feel better already! ;)

    And yes it does LOOK like a baby, but its not any more "alive" than say a tumor or a tapeworm.

    Dwaine once had a zit that looked like Abe Vigoda...but it wasn't really Abe Vigoda...
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2008
  6. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member


    Still don't know who that is. He's been in the godfather which I've never seen and a bunch of shitty shows according to the IMDb.
  7. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    That's Fish from the Barney Miller Show.

    Tapeworms are alive and so are tumors. What another week and the line is crossed and life begins? Or is it mere days? Where is the line drawn in the sand. What is the turning point that "unformed glob" becomes life?
  8. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    Life-the period from birth to death.
    From now on if you have any questions that can be answered from reading a basic dictionary, don't have me do it, you do it.
  9. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    What about still born? It's still born, right, so at what point was it alive? Is it forever stuck in birth and death?


    1. existence in physical world: the quality that makes living animals and plants different from dead organisms and inorganic matter. Its functions include the ability to take in food, adapt to the environment, grow, and reproduce.

    Sounds like an embryo/fetus to me. I'm not trying to go all pro-life on anyone's ass or anything, just giving you my view on the definition that I found.
  10. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Looks like your dictionary is unreliable Schemed. Besides you gave me a definition of life. It did not state where it began it stated that the period (incorrectly BTW as Nauseous pointed out) between birth and death was life. How convenient is that anyways? What are the odds that is a recent updated definition and the editor is has pro-death it nasty little babies bias.
  11. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    So your stance is pro-life Joe??
    Do you eat meat, support war, use items with animal products in them? Or do you only take a stand when it suits you and your judeo-christian concepts? Sometimes you just gotta ask yourself..what would Jesus bomb? You are entitled to your beliefs , as is everyone else, just don't try to force them on others, that's how wars start. Go look up the definition of freedom Joe, you know that thing we value so much? Also the dictionary I took that from is Websters, which is not "my dictionary" it's the one we all use...check it out sometime. And going by the other definition, life is something that can reproduce...making nothing "alive" untill it can actually reproduce (age 12ish I'm guessing for humans).
  12. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Exactly my point with a few other points thrown in along side.
  13. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    The other points were not my point though. Just want to clairify that.
  14. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    Stop pointing!!
  15. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    You may be pointing one figer at me but look... ah huh three are pointing back at you!!
  16. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    I'll tell you all you need to know about that story. It begins with, "An artist..."

    Anyone who defines themselves as, 'an artist' is nuts. No one who's truly an artist would ever label themselves as such.

    Art is bullshit, but good bullshit... now that's an art.
  17. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    El Juapo has came in with a plethora of knowledge.

    I have to agree that a real artist doesnt consider themselves an artist, Britney Spears says she is a recording artist, she's actually white trash that hit it big cause she looked good in pig tails and knee highs.

    Snoop Dog doesnt cause himself a 'rap artist' he's the Dogg Father, I mean, fa shizzle.
  18. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Anything Non-Jewish I suspect.
  19. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I think the modeling/fashion industry is fucked up. Some of those models are hideously ugly (as are the clothes) but they are considered 'couture' and high fashion.

    One man's trash is another man's treaure, I guess. You couldn't pay me to wear most of that garbage yet people will pay what my house is worth for a dress. It's sickening. It just goes to show how truly shallow and evil this world is.

    I mean, c'mon. A five year old could come up with more interesting shit to wear and the model looks diseased.

  20. GAS

    GAS New Member

    I 100% agree with you pukey. I can't tell you how many times I've seen some random fashion show clip and think to myself "Who the fuck is seriously gonna wear that crap?".

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