"I believe that Gandhi's views were the most enlightened of all the political men in our time. We should strive to do things in his spirit: not to use violence in fighting for our cause, but by non-participation in anything you believe is evil." --Albert Einstein Gandhi was a mother fucking pimp.
And I thought "do unto others as you would have done unto you" to be the ultimate key to universal peace.
well Gahndi was a pervert. Don't get me wrong, I respect him, and what he has done for the Hindi community, but there are records showing how he would administer enemas to the little girls of his commune, and other watersport assplay things
No he wasn't. Hitler's "vegetarianism" was that doctors tried to put him on a vegetarian diet for health reasons, but he didn't really stick with it. For the most part, he followed a vegetarian diet, but some of his favorite treats were liver dumplings, ham, and caviar. Clint Eastwood is a vegetarian.
Yeah, and so is Bobcat Goldthwait. Kevin Nealon is a vegan. After 15 years of being a vegetarian, I just recently became vegan. It's been a lot easier than I thought.
Well I guess it's definitely a more healthy way to live as long as you can get enough proteins and other vitamins/minerals like B-12. You have to know what you're doing.
Maybe a dumb question but whats the difference between a Vegetarian and a Vegan? I was thinking they were different names for the same thing.
A vegan has no dairy or eggs. I was a lacto-ovo vegetarian. I didn't eat any meat but drank milk and ate eggs. After educating myself some, now I don't do either. I also don't eat products that contain casein or whey which excludes some foods (like croutons) I would have considered vegan. Even white granulated sugar isn't considered vegan because it is processed with bone char. Vegan is basically a really strict vegetarian that reads a bunch of labels when they go to the store. I'm an animal lover but I am not in anyone's face about it nor am a PETA freak, so don't hate on me. I actually really dislike PETA. I think they are one of the most hypocritical cults around. They get pissed at people for eating meat, yet they kill thousands of kittens, puppies, dogs and cats a year. In my opinion these animals died totally in vain. At least the cow was eaten. They are also against hunting, so I guess they would rather see the animals starve to death and get hit by cars than to be shot (hopefully very quick death) and eaten. They have done some good things like expose cruelty and help companies make more humane decisions, but they use fucked up scare tatics that basically annoy, not shock people. They are basically another corrupt money making business who would rather kill their rescue animals than find them homes... because you know, that would cost more money and the building they have is just not big enough. It looks like a fucking hospital if you have not seen it. http://www.nokillnow.com/PETAIngridNewkirkResign.htm Read up on that in case you ever come into contact with an annoying PETA freak. The HSUS and the ASPCA are still alright by me. Sorry for the lengthy reply but I am quick to assume that people are going to assume that I am some PETA retard just because I am vegan. I gave up meat when I was 15 after watching Faces of Death. It had nothing to do with the guilt those fucking douchebags try to force on everyone. And just to clarify, there are lots of types of hunting that I don't think are okay. "Sport" hunting mainly, like canned hunting and internet hunting. http://www.hsus.org/hunt/campaigns/ Okay, I'm done.
Goin vegetarian for a bit might not be too bad of an idea with that massive fucking beef recall goin on.
You realize that all the enzymes in your body like the ones that repair your dna and provide functions you would die with out for example antibodies to infections are made up of amino acids which form proteins. You therefore need protein so you can break it down into the building blocks your body needs to make essential enzymes and so forth out of amino acids. You also need calcium for strong bones.
I try to not eat passed 6 but usually fail. Regardless I take at around midnight on an empty stomach 4g of L-Arginine HCL, 2g L-Ornithine HCL, and 3g L-Tryptophan. Other than that I eat a high protein diet with lots of red meat, chicken, and turkey. I consume a moderate amount of carbohydrates and try to supplement my lack of fruits and veggies with juice and V8 etc. Snack on yogurt all the time. I have come off it and started feeling really lethargic. On it I feel better. My main regret is that I can no longer drink like I used to. The yogurt keeps my stomach healthy but it seems that alcohol reverses this and I start getting acid reflux. Damn shame cause I do enjoy my casual drink every once in a while.