.. and I think something is up. Those horse fuckers in control are starting the new war pretty soon and they dont want us to know about it.
If it was an accident this time then fine but I am skeptical. The idea is out there for whatever reason if someone never considered it before. If it happens again I'll be even more skeptical.
I'm skeptical about your skepticism. If you remain skeptical, or if your skepticism grows, I'll be even more skeptical. I'm keeping my eye on you.
Man Joe, 5 cables cut and you're skeptical. Whatever dude. Consider the daffodil Joe, and while you're doing that I'll be over here going through your stuff.
:biggrin: Smurf I'm going on the premise that like the article seems to indicate the cables were all "cut" by a five ton anchor. Now there is a lot of information we do not know about here. Let's wait till the investigation. Also this anchor could have been purposefully used. If you give it the benefit of the doubt this time and it happens again in the near future, then I'm saying that statistically it would be virtually impossible for it to be an accident. The part of the formula I need is who and motive. Could be rag-heads testing their theory on how easy it may be to do so as to try it in the U.S. coastal waters?
Yuhhhhhh...that sounds just like the sort of thing! Those swarthy, gibbering primitives would stab their own eye out just to see how easily they could do it to both of yours.
There was an article that said that the areas were checked and no ships passed through it and its off limits to shipping: http://www.infowars.com/?p=107
Well Armchairidian is no friend of information to his country. Look I never said there was a good motive that I could see and actually that is my point. My question is can someone give me a real motive? It is in American interest that Iranians have access to information other then what is fed to them.
Well if you are trying to control media outlets in your country that would be a big one. There are still satellite feeds and what not, but for the most part your average iranian isnt going to have satellite capability. Is the 5 ton anchor still on the cable? If not, then how do they know it was a 5 ton anchor? If the anchor is still there it should be pretty easy to figure out where it came from.
Yeah Phat that’s what is weird about the whole story all together. The best motive I can grasp would be Iran preventing its people from accessing internet. The odd part is the vague details of the story all together.
Kind of like strapping a bomb to yourself and attempting to kill other people with it? Yes. Swarthy for sure.
Not sure what your guy is getting at. But it's not in American interest to keep the people of Iran or where ever else isolated to only Iranian state fed information. The internet and freedom of speech is our friend. I’m beginning to think the perpetrators are likely part of the slow leak of information.
I hope we skip the usual formalties and simply push the button that turns Tehran into a large glass crater. .....and I'm not kidding.
"We are young. Fast! Thank God we are Iranian!" Some one name that tune... Dwaine, you're excluded because I suspect, like me, you actually have the album.
I give you a hint: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=69004157 Praise Allah!
Little known fact: Nursey is like the Penny Lane of Iranian 'death to America bands'. She'll deny it but it's totally true. There are rumors of a love-child.