I have elderly friend that is a Nun. She has retired, and wants to learn to use the internet. She does not have a computer. I have a bunch of old 17" monitors, but no CPU. Anyone have a old PII or something that she could have? All she wants is to write letters, email, and browse. I offered to get her new emachine, but she is hung up on anyone spending money on her. She is just wired to believe that she has to have somebody's donated leftovers to manitian her "humility and poverty" vow. Anyway, if one of you wants to do a kind act, let me know. I'll pay shipping.
What parts do you need? I have loads of old parts. And Barry. I don't know if they do this in your area but here in MD, at the landfill/recycling locations, there is usually a giant dumpster where people drop off old computers and monitors. The last time I was there I took a look in the thing and pulled out an old Dell Xeon workstation. I brought it home, plugged it in and it worked perfectly. That would save you some shipping costs. Maybe cost you a little bit of dignity, scavenging through a dumpster but hey. It's for a good cause.
Me and three friends just closed down an all you can eat crawfish boil. We ate three dozen raw oysters to start. They eventually ran out of Yeungling Draught and Crawfish and had to ask us to leave. Naturally, we declined the offer and asked for hushpuppies and slaw. What I am trying to say is this - I have no dignity left. Dumpster diving is not a problem.
around here, they have an electronics exchange shack, with old PC's that actually work. Call your local recycle center to see if they have a G-cycle/trade center.
You know what?... I think if we all combined our resources we could build a super-computer of of junk PC's. What if we discovered extra terrestrial intelligence by dumpster diving? Hell, what if we discovered HUMAN intelligence by dumpster diving? We'd make the news with that for sure. Foh-sho.
PII?? That's beyond crappy, that's boat anchor status! I have crappy old Pentium 4's rotting in my house. I'd give you a bundle of them, but the trouble is logistics. I should just have an eBay "garage sale" and get rid of all these ol' clunkers.