VOICE FROM THE WILDERNESS I needed a break, but apparently so did my computer. Alas, it came too late for it and a week into the new year, it departed from this cruel world. I get occasional, brief shots on a fiddley (i.e. faggoty) laptop, just enough to take the edge of my withdrawels. But i need to be immersed in the full, leukemia-inducing, electromagnetic force field of my almighty P.O.S. setup to generate the frazzled, psychotic edge that i need to post here. But, do not fret or gnash uncontrollably. I currently have a team on the case who are trying to track down the shitty, obsolete component i need to resurrect the beast so that it grinds, once again, into action. And presumably, i will follow.
IM me an address and I'll send you a new one. My world is bland without you. It will be an emachine, but I bet it beats nothing.
Well...thanks. However, i don't think i could get used to being called 'Barry's bitch' for evermore, so i will graciously decline your kind offer.
Actually, funny you mention this. A creepy guy was caught sniffing the seats at Uni the other day in our Commercial Law lecture room.
What a tease. If I don't get an Australian Big Mac in the mail some time soon I'm going to be very disappointed.
You know, I bet knowing these tight-arse Aussie Corporations, the Big Mac is probably smaller here with less meat, just like Australian men. Actually, it was a guy sniffing guy's seats. That's more upsetting.
Maybe he had OCD and wanted to pick a seat that didn't smell like butt because he was afraid that the buttstink would seep into his clothes and he would smell like butt and contaminate his car with someone else's butt smell? Or he was just a perv.