should be drowned in bleach. The post office was full of welfarites and I had to stand in front of some wheezing, fat stinky woman who didn't know what "personal space" meant. I could have turned around and knocked her out, but that would have involved touching her. It would have also meant that I would have had enough space to turn around. Anyway, this was the kind of stink that makes you worry that it seeped into your clothes and hair. Like the Seinfeld episode where the valet's BO ruined Jerry's car and Elaine's love life. Why do people stink? I mean, you have to know that you stink, right?
I stink, therefore I am. I think some who stink know they stink and don't care. Or they have a different stink threshold than do normal people. It's like ugly people that are attracted to ugly people just have a different perspective. But cigarette smokers stink and don't realize it. I know this from having been a smoker. Stink is what stink do.
Poetic Genius. I drove by your house tonight, but you were home so I didn't stop. Are all those cars yours or did you have a party and not invite me? (again)
I tend to carry around a bottle of perfume that I spray randomly at anyone who smells. They tend to get the hint and move away, although sometimes I swear I can even hear the perfume screaming in protest of going near them. Hint: Substitute the perfume for a bottle of mace, or for the blokes, some WD40 or similar.
I like the threshold idea. its what they are used to. Have you ever walked into like an old barn or something and it has that old smell to it? Well after a while you dont really notice that much anymore. That's what happens to them. They stink so much they just get used to it like it isnt even there anymore. i dated this girl whose mom wiped the kitchen down with one of those musty rags, you know the ones, like they havent been washed in weeks. and the whole place smelled like it. Of course this is why I dumped her daughter. I couldnt get 'busy' in no smelly house.
I hate it when people smell like things that they shouldn't. I used to go to school with this girl who smelled like bacon. I know it wasn't really from bacon... she was just really poor. Another girl smelled like pickles. I could never figure that one out. She was my friend and she wasn't dirty but she smelled like pickles. Maybe it was her trapper keeper or something? I'm working for these scumbags' money. The least they could do is buy some soap and deodorant to show their appreciation for the people who are working to buy them their USA Golds! You want stink please meet 'dirty fat harry smith' the pride of wigan,he sits in a bus stop in wigan all day every day asks everyone who walks past for '10 bob' (50p to you upperclass folk) and asks every girl he see's to marry him,i did once see him fall into a puddle but im not sure that can be classed as having a wash but its probably the closest he's ever come to one. the place wouldn't be the same without him ill fuck off again now.
Ride the Bus You wanna smell stink, ride the bus about midnight, all the greasers from the fried food places, loaded with smell, both body and work. Plus most are all adds up