This is the thread for posting those "Did you know..." factoids (above) that you suspect are actually a crock of shit. I'll start: - The ancient Egyptians bought jewelry for their pet crocodiles.
Penguins are born with a gland which is close to their beaks, when they drink the saltwater from the sea the water goes through the gland and the salt gets kept in that gland. When the gland is full of salt the penguin goes onto a rock and knocks his beak against it and all the salt empties out and the penguin can start drinking again.
Oh, I thought it meant they could operate desalinization plants. I'm like, "There's no way they could wear hard hats" sheeesh.
Fact: People are ugly and it would be better if they were all dead except for chance encounters with hot chicks scavenging in the forests. In other words the tiger kill on the drunk tards in the zoo was an ideal situation that God should repeat until there are hardly any people left and the majestic tigers and animals can once again roam the world free of the ugly vain pansy ass humans.
The Word of the Day for January 24, 2008 is: cabal • \kuh-BAHL\ • noun *1 : the artifices and intrigues of a group of persons secretly united in a plot (as to overturn a government); also : a group engaged in such artifices and intrigues 2 : club, group