ok so I am seeing all these videos about Anti Cirumcision...saying that it is cruel. If you were having a boy... would you do it? My 8 year old brat was not done at birth due to they thought he was going to die... so extra dingdong skin was not even in my mind... now he wants it done. It is all he talks about , even after watching a yahoo video of a baby haveing it done ... he still says ... just call a Doc and lets get it done. Anyone here have a circumcision as an older kid and remember it? should I have my new little bastard done right after birth like most Americans?
Mine, and my sons, was done right after. Its not like I, or he, remembers it and is traumatized by it. I would imagine being called the aardvark would be more damaging to the psyche.
I had mine done at birth but I know a guy who had it done at 28 due to problems he was having. Maybe I've lost a tad bit of girth without my penile turtleneck but with my short shaft, it really scales out nicely.
There is just something about pulling it back to clean it that I dont really care for. Of course the maj is just mad cause it cut down on his snoodling....
You can get it back by stretching the skin down with metal bars and junk. Penn and Teller did a show on it. Personally, I would do it if I had a son, but after birth, not now. I can't help but think of that documentary I watched in which they botched the procedure and the boy's penis was cut off and they raised him as a girl and he was all kinds of fucked up and ended up killing himself. I posted about it before. He had a twin brother who was totally fucked up about it and died a couple of years earlier. It was really sad. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Reimer
You really should watch that episode. Some old guy demonstrates what he does. It's episode 27 from season three.
My god what a horrifying story! It’s like that Psychologist saw the opportunity a twin boy and make him into a girl to prove his theory. If ever there were a case where a patient should sue the hell out of some people there it is. That ruined the life basically of a whole family. If the whole thing had been a success if would have been in everyone’s face non-stop until the world caves and agreed that fags rule. Since it was a disaster its quietly swept under the rug.
thanks fuckers... I still have no clue what to do with my offspring's extra peter skin. my baby daddy wants it done right after birth... but thinks my 8 should leave it alone .. because his twin brother he had it done around 7-9 years old ... and his brother had problems and would not stop bleeding and had to go to the ER... but then again that was in Morocco .. and they probally used a rock or somthing .. who knows.
1) Remove the hairs,nails and other keratinous matters 2) Remove some of the interfibrillary soluble proteins like mucins 3) Swell up and split up the fibers to the desired extent 4) Remove the natural grease and fats to some extent 5) Bring the collagen to a proper condition for satisfactory tannage http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tanning
It's a tough call. I wouldn't want my son to have self esteem problems. It's not like a boob job for your 16 year old daughter. This isn't as superficial as cosmetic surgery. I'd look into how complex a procedure this is 8 years after versus at birth. You may find that it's not terribly traumatic, providided you keep the area clear of infection. I think about him playing school sports, for example, in a few years. If he walks into the shower with his peers (not pee-ers, hopefully) he probably doesn't want to be the odd man out if he is rocking a turtleneck. Young men want to fit in. If he feels like he can't, he may withdraw socially. It may sound like a silly something to fret about but the penis is the male id: the superego. Men never fully mature. He'll have plenty of stuff to worry about without foreskin being one of them. Again, it may be no more traumatic than a 7-year old girl getting her ears pierced (and some do that at infancy). If it is a big deal (and I really haven't reasearched it) it will take some family discussion. Maybe look into having it done in the summer when school is out and his recovery can be more private and easier to monitor. Go ahead and see about getting that lint trap off your boy before he hits puberty.
That was very eloquent and well thought out. It's almost like you know what you're talking about. But thats the same reason we had our boy clipped. Think of the trauma caused when he is about to get his first hummah. Some poor girl is going to freak out and then he will really be scarred.
There's another story where the circumscision machine burned off the penis and the guy was raised as a girl, he found out later and became a man again. He got married apparently, not a real story to tell to the kids though.
I have a friend who was born with a congential eye problem that did not allow his eyelids to develop properly. When he was circumcized, they used the excess foreskin to repair his eyelids. He is perfectly normal now, except when he drinks too much. Then he looks a little cock-eyed.