well seeing as you are not black, nor female, id say very slim. If you were Shirley Himpell, Id say welcome lady president, HAY HAY HAY
I can get some face paint or some silicone under-bra placebos... Whatever it takes... I'm a go-getter. Who cares if I have to sell out my standards in order to win favor with our LOYAL and FANTASTIC constituents?!? God Praise our Voters and the entire Electoral College! Remember, peace-loving Americans... YOU make the difference! YOUR voice counts! Vote for me and I'll come to your house and give your dog a rim job! Whatever it takes... I'm a go-getter, and not afraid of a few dogshit dingleberries! (come to think of it, sometime early this year, I will actually have every stipulation required to run for "The Office of the Presidency..." Anyone want to slip me some pre-running campaign bribes under the counter? I'll be more than happy to take your bribe money and run with it...)