The Ask Dwaine a Question thread!!!! this is everyones favorite, and its the simplest thing. Simply, you ask me a question, and I will answer it! Fun for the whole family, limit one question per poster.
If you only knew half of the crap him, Mike Williams, and Harlan do together, a Manchester Transfer is tame in comparison.
Oh the Wisdom, Will I ever inherit a large sum of money? If so, will I end up blowing it on useless spencer gifts?
Will you ever pay me back for all that change you stole off my dresser to buy 40 oz bottles of Hurricane?
Oh So Round One, Are you going to the staff christmas party this evening? (FYI -My wife baked your favorite cookies. )
What's the best way to get a stripper to move into one of my bedrooms? I"m living in a big house and not using any of the extra bedrooms or other bathrooms? I figure I should be able to use those extra rooms to generate free sex.
I am not speaking for Dwaine, bu it appears to me that this is an easy one. You can write prescriptions now can't you? Well there you go. You should easily fill your skank motel with street trash strippers willing to trade cheap sex for a room and an endless supply of Xanax. On the other hand, I really can't image a Doctor that has to beg for sex from strippers. How pitiful is that? Women like money and power better than looks and personailty. Lucky for you, I suspect.
Im not falling for that sausagefest again this year, you guys can entertain harlan with pictionary, and get him drunk on wine coolers, I want no part of it
well to guarantee free sex, use a gun and restraints. Or if you want to try your luck, get a sandwich bag, then put a few ounces of dry wall in it (looks like cocaine) put bag in your pocket and goto strip club. While at club, accidentally let bag fall out of pocket in front of strippers, they will all love you, until you get them to the car and use either to subdue them