If everyone here was in an alternate dimension where your physical and mental traits tell what person you are, which would you be. Such as if you were big strong and agile, you would probably be a tiger person. And more interesting enough, which would you want to be. I would want to be a tiger, since they are very strong and smart, and they look cool. Plus you can shove around the smaller of the cat family and they can't do shit. I would probably be a Sloth, Friendly, smart, but very lazy.
I bet a groundhog looks up at a hawk and thinks to himself "Man I wish I could fly like the hawk" Then again maybe he just thinks “Oh shit it’s that hawk again” And I bet a hawk flying around thinks. "Man it's nice to be able to fly all around and see everything and go where I like....that is all but one place. I can't burrow under ground like the groundhog. I bet he has got a sweet place under there with tunnels for miles there is just no telling." Then again maybe the hawk just thinks "hmm... food" I'd have to say either a Hawk or a Shark not to eat things but they have the ultimate freedom in their domain. And their domain is to their own choosing. Thinking dolphin also.
except, dolphins suck when they get caught in tuna nets and end up in canned tuna...or it sucks when a shark doesnt know any bettter and kills a person and is hunted down by people...dont know much about hawks though.
I would be something extinct, so I wouldnt have to put up with this fucking planet and the people on it.
I'd have to say a bear,nobody fucks with them and they get to sleep about 6 months a year,plus eat anything they want .
Well I asked what you would want to be, plus given your current status, what you would likely be. And nobody fucks with a tiger
I'd like to be able to lay around and do nothing, contribute nothing and lick myself. So I'd like to be a dog....or phatboy.