I think that bumper sticker you have that says, "Follow me for Head" might be why they are following you.
I knew someone would say that. Best sticker I have ever seen was one a really shitty old car's trunk. It said, "Don't laugh, your daughter could be in here." I don't know if putting it on the trunk was intentional or not, but it was fucking funny.
Im not sure what your point was with your 'link', and how I proved it, I dont care what color or ethnicity a person is, everyone, and I mean everyone, has the right to pursuit happiness. I dont see how a post about pigeon holing islam makes it any better that a girl who was raped by 7 men was sent to jail. Not the men, her. If that makes me anti-Islam then so be it.
Did you Know.....The normal static electricty shock that zaps your finger when you touch a doorknob is usually between 10,000 and 30,000 volts! Hmmmm, so 40,000 volts really isnt that much huh? Yes, Joe. They found me out. Im really ulfur.
It's ok. I don't expect you to understand. After all, you're a perfect example of the sort of lowest, common denominator, 'factory-farmed', American cattle that i was explaining are incapable of seeing anything in terms any more complex than black and white.
Do you huff gas before you post? Because I dont believe in intangable (intagible?) theories that have no support other than the ramblings of some person on the internet make me a 'typical American'? I hope so. While you are busy copying and pasting dozens of lame links to sites like 'www.crackisgoodbushisillegal.com' life is passing you by. Im sorry that I dont see the world through your 'conspirators' eye. And saying 'it's so ovious' isnt really proof either. Maybe if you got out in the sun, and ate some red meat, you would feel better.
Point made. ????? So Iraq isnt Saudi Arabia. Thanks for clearing that up for me. The grass is green and the sky is blue? Next you'll tell me how great Iraq was when you were a girl and it was so perfect that you hated to leave.