Tasers + evil jerks = big problems

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Disorder, Nov 17, 2007.

  1. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    At the least you have to admit that the whole story and emphasis on pregnant woman is grandstanding for dramatic effect.

    Then the issue is painted like a pregnant woman is like a helpless beached whale with no defenses. When in actuality Phat and J are correct she could manage to do a lot. What they did with tazing her was fairly humane under the circumstance.

    I guess in Alex's world the cops should ask her to please comply and if she did not then well since she is pregnant and all. They should just let her be never mind on account of the fact that she does not want to comply and all.
  2. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    So you think that tasers SHOULD be used on a pregnant woman then? Because they might 'pose a threat' to themselves or their unborn child by struggling? Because a big, burly policeman with their knee in their back isn't capable of getting cuffs on them otherwise? How did they manage before? And you think that 50,000 volts to the neck from a potentially lethal weapon is 'safer' for the woman/her unborn child than wriggling face down on the ground (though we can't tell if she was still struggling by the time the policeman was in a position to use it)? Interesting.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2007
  3. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Apparently you are the smartest person in the world, why do you waste your time posting here and not go out and create a solution for cold fusion? No one can disagree with you or you will repeat your post over and over again until we all just get tired of it and ignore you. That police officer doesnt know if she's on PCP, heroin, steroids or what. He's not an OBGYN so he doesnt know she's pregnant. She is acting like an ass, she needed something. 50,000 volts isnt that bad. If you havent tried it, I suggest you should. It's a lot better than a bullet.
  4. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    Tasers should not be given to everyday cops, I think thats the point here.

    They deffinately should not be labeled non lethal, because thats a contradiction in terms.
  5. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    The number of criminals/law breakers killed by night-sticks, car crashes trying to elude police, shoot-outs with police, meth labs blowing up are far higher than the ones who get killed by tasers. Dont forget the 'banned' choke hold that teach them all. The lasting effects of being hit in the head with a baton or nightstick are far greater than those of getting shocked by a taser.
  6. j412

    j412 New Member

    Thanks for the clip, I was only able to find news articles. My point remains the same, The officer DID NOT know she was pregnant! Yes he did have her on the ground but she was not restrained. She was still resisting and the officer DID NOT know she was pregnant. He used the taser and guess what, she stopped fighting. He did not have to force her hands behind her back and cuff her, which would have probably torn muscles or tendons. Since we are Monday morning quarterbacking here, why didn't she tell the cop she was pregnant? Things would have probably been different. I cannot say for sure as I do not know the officer but I know several and I don't know one that would have tasered a pregnant woman. I am pretty sure their policy is not to do so. You could easily find out by calling the department and asking or writing an email.
  7. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I seem to have heard somewhere that pregnant women do to the hormones and natural motherly fight instinct can be surprisingly more powerful than a typical woman in a traumatic situation.
  8. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Are you saying that pregnant women have mongoloid strength?
  9. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Now, now, phatboy! You're getting awfully Gee-Jayish there! Just stay calm or i might have to tase you.

    You said that the woman struggling - face down on the floor - was 'posing a threat' to herself, her unborn child and the policeman, therefore implying the taser was actually in the best interests of all concerned.
    What i am asking is: if you really believe that do you then believe they should be (knowingly) used on pregnant women in such circumstances for reasons such as this?

    Are you saying that if there wasn't the option of using a taser there, a bullet may have been the necessary force required to restrain her? I know that may sound silly, but you are saying some silly things here!

    If you watch frame by frame, she doesn't appear to be 'thrashing' wildly about. Not by my definition, anyway.

    I disagree. He was on top of her, had her face down with one arm behind her back. He could have just handcuffed her.
  10. j412

    j412 New Member

    I am not going to play this frame by frame game. The original camera footage has some missing already, notice the gap when it closes in there is a some missing.

    OK, here is a challenge. Go out and find someone that will honestly resist you, not someone that would be afraid to use some real force. Get them in that position and try and handcuff them while they are resisting. I don’t mean one handcuff slightly on I meant two cuffs on securely. I think you will not be able to do it, I know that an officer that is larger than me could not do it without some other use of force.

    All the other stuff aside, the taser is not a cure all it is merely one more tool. If you think tasers are so bad go out and invent something that is as effective and has reduced injuries the way the taser has. You will be heralded as a hero and make tons of money.
  11. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  12. j412

    j412 New Member

    Disorder you bring up an excellent point. What is an everyday cop? Wouldn't you want every officer patrolling your city to be as well trained as any LT, Sgt or SWAT officer out there? I know I want the officers patrolling my area to be able to handle anything that comes along and not sit on their hands and wait to be told what to do. Your paying for it, get your moneys worth, but you also get what you pay for.
  13. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    I mean it should be a weapon for things like, prisons, mental hospitals. That is; it should be restricted for use on hardened criminals or people that need to be subdued, when a particular resistance has a real danger to self or others. I mean real.
    Hurting someone so that they don't hurt themselves is a bit backwards isnt it?

    The problem is really due to usage, that when a cop is holding a gun up, he at least gives a warning.. "Stop or I'll shoot", this percieved threat is enough to stop anyone and traditionally it worked. Many times a cop will just go ahead and use a taser without a warning and this is where the gist of my annoyance is.

    Wether or not the woman deserved it, taser use should be kept to a minimum on us, the general public and as stated, there should be a fair warning and a pause before any lethal weapon use. It only breeds (more) resentment against cops.

    Why she was 'resisting' was that pretty much everyone hates cops, for what they do and how they act. If cops did what they were supposed to, properly, upheld their side of the law and ours, then there would be far less resistance. Sadly, cops are being brainwashed into hating us, they arn't there to protect us anymore, we're the enemy. On the flip side, they are now our enemy and the resentment will continue as long as warped policy remains. (and again i'll point out that not all police fit this mold, but a lot spoil it for the rest, as its always been)
  14. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    So let's see if we can built a hate empire. A whole we of people making hate war on cops.

    Oh yeah.

    Well maybe it's already out there after all. Never mind.
  15. homer

    homer Member

    Get rid of the tasers and use this http://www.metacafe.com/watch/102456/old_school_tranquilizer/ at least the criminals will have a good buzz on their way to jail and if the cops beat the fuck out of them they won't feel it for awhile.
    There are good and bad points to any new device the cops will use and ultimately it will come down to the person using the device properly or just trying it out for kicks.What amazes me is in this day of 24 hr survelience everywhere why cops do some of the stupid things you see posted all over the net.
    Here is a link to a video of cops shooting a man 81 times http://www.filecabi.net/video/goddammit30.html ,notice how brave they are sending the dog in then blasting away .
  16. j412

    j412 New Member

    "Yes!, that was awsome!" Hahahahahaha, Will Farrell is freaking hilarious!
  17. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    That was the best laugh I have had in a while. Did not watch the man shot 81 times just the first one.
  18. j412

    j412 New Member

    Had to wait till I got home to watch the second video. It was about 6 minutes long. Every 10 seconds or so the guy was saying he had a gun and that he was gonna shoot the dog and the police. so when they released the dog he pulled what he said was a gun and duh, he was shot. It turned out to be a cell phone, his bad. I hope the dog is OK.
  19. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I really enjoy the frame by frame. In an effort to save disk space on the multiplexer they have the frame rate at what looks at about 1 frame a second. That is undeniable proof. Hell it looks like they are break dancing.

    I dont know why people 'hate' cops. I just dont get it. The ones that get caught doing something wrong get upset because they got caught. Hmmm. I hate cops they gave me a speeding ticket, cause I was speeding. Hmmmm. I hate when I wear my 'colors' out and the cops follow me around. If the woman had any class, and respect, the whole incident would have been avoided. But dont point out the fact that the woman is beligerant and ignorant.

    Cops are the easiest people to get along with. Of course I bet the cops in Iraq were awesome in the saddam days. Helping little old ladies across the street to their stoning for reading a book, or for being raped, or for driving a car (thanks dave attel). Just sounds like crazy fun.
  20. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    God, I hope that's sarcasm. A lot of them are perverts with a power trip. You don't have to be very smart, in shape or mentally capable to be a cop and that is scary.

    I know that there are good ones out there, but I have encountered some real perverts. I had a cop pull me over in plainclothes (sweats) and jerk open my door. Had I been wearing my seltbelt, he would've about pulled me out of the car because it was one of those seltbelt attached to the door deals. He didn't realize my boyfriend was with me. My boyfriend at the time had long hair and he thought we were two girls at first. I'm not really sure what he was going to do but he was a total dick. He accused me of drinking and told me to go home. All I did was drive to Blockbuster to get a movie and I was totally straight. A few years later I had one follow me to work and pulled up beside my car to tell me that I needed to wear my seatbelt. He might have been nice, but it was still creepy.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2007

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