Actions are bigger than words. Donate a goat to Muhammad for his goat butt sex pleasure. Fuck that sand nigger.
wow, even I wouldnt have the balls to say that shit. Although, on Emule, my user name was "Allah was a faggot"
Yeah I'm just frustrated with the double standard in life. And p.c. ideals here in the U.S. but that’s for Cold Sober. So in keeping with the non philosophical theme just let me say that. Muhumpmomid was the prodigy of a pig and a monkey who's odd genetic combination coincidentally turned out to slightly resemble a human. Something that would inspire stupid sand niggers.
Nah, JC was just setting the Jews up for a more serious owning in the future. He's an own artist if you will.
Heh, I actually am somewhat a fan of the late Jesus Bar Joseph. Seems he was a fairly interesting guy, a bit of a party animal, and had a knack for talking back to his father. Heard it got him killed though. Unfortunate.