HATE CRIMES The FBI released a report stating that "hate crime" incidents in the US have risen by 8% in the last year. Racial prejudice accounts for more than half of the incidents. Of the 7,330 identified by police in 2006, 58.6% were white, 20.6% were black, 12.5% were unknown. The "Rev." Al Sharpton, of course, had something to say about the report, "The FBI report confirms what we have been saying for many months about the severe increase in hate crimes ... What is not reported, however, is the lack of prosecution and serious investigation by the Justice Department to counter this increase in hate crimes." Be careful dear listeners. What is the difference between a assault for financial gain and an assault based on racial bigotry? There's one difference .. and only one: The thought processes of the perp. Hate crime legislation means that the attacker will be punished based on what he was thinking when the crime was committed. Bottom line ... we're criminalizing thought. Thought crimes. You comfortable with that? Hate crimes have to be the most absurd idea of the last 10 years .. and one of the most dangerous.
Hate laws are so ridiculous, robbery is robbery, theft is theft and assault is assault. Each criminal chooses a victim for a reason, usually it's their vulnerability but sometimes it others reasons which may include race. Why add in another near impossible burden of proof, just go for whats easy and sure to prove. Hate and racism will always exist on some level. The level in which it exists as believed by the Al Sharptons and Jesse Jacksons is not living within the average person. That level of hate and racism is only kept alive by the Al Sharptons, Jesse Jacksons and legislation.
If hatred and racism were a thing of the past dead and gone. Then what would the Al Sharptons, Jesse Jacksons and legislators do for a living. They get fat and happy being hate pimps.
While the plantation masters get the message out to their slaves the way to fight against their oppression is to vote democrat. And send their Uncle Toms out to do their bidding for the cameras. Lets not let the facts get in the way.