Tasers + evil jerks = big problems

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Disorder, Nov 17, 2007.

  1. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    from here

    See Also
    Police shot diabetic in coma with Taser - because they thought he was suicide bomber
    police zap man within seconds

    It boggles the mind.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2007
  2. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    First video the police did not know he was in a diabetic coma. He was acting in a dangerous manner. They many police though could have taken him without the taser. But if he was carrying a bomb then the taser is better it keeps him alive but not in control of his reflexes to try and hit a trigger mechanism. An unfortunate incident. On one hand the diabetic should have taken his insulin more serious. I have to wonder he seemed to be searching for something if he was looking for his insulin shots.

    The second video the guy was an asshole they should have tazed him more.

    The third video was funny but a perfect example of the left wing double standard.
  3. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    you're talking bollocks again, what a surprise.
  4. nolo451

    nolo451 New Member

    They tazed an 83 yr old lady near here because she was trying to stab a cop.
  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Why's it got to be like that?

    I agree with you to an extent but not totally just presenting another perspective.

    And the guy that tased the little old lady. Will be laughed at by his peers till he quits the force.
  6. nolo451

    nolo451 New Member

  7. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    Because you are often confused and use a lot of double think, the first guy was not dangerous, its just that cops are asshole cowards using defined policies. That is now taze first and then ask questions.. It was mentioned 'tazing' is the new handcuffs and this is exactly why its bad, because its unnecessary. The guy was in distress because he didnt have access to a translator, is this really worth dying for?

    Why is the second guy an 'asshole'? Have you ever recieved several hundred volts through your arm or chest? Or any electrical shock. I have, once when I was trying to clean a stuck toaster. The force was enough to make me jump, clamp down on my tongue and give me a dead and very painful arm for about 5 days. I think you should be tazed to find out what its like, I don't think you'll wish that on anyone again

    I mean, dude, you have to stop with all the hypocracy if you want to be taken seriously. You're either for the N.W.O or against it, sometimes, I think the former is more appropriate. I mean, you know the economy is fucked, that the left and right is just a farce and that something is terribly wrong. but hey, you still can't resist(pun intended) a spot of police brutality while opening up a beer and shouting HOOAH at the TV.

    Make your mind up.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2007
  8. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    That is brandishing a weapon with intent to harm, tazing is probably a bit overkill, but she still had to be stopped, or at least persuaded to give up.

    The people in the other links did nothing wrong, no theats, no weapons, just wrong place, wrong time, pig fucker cops.
  9. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Thing is its not that simple.

    Sometimes people are assholes not groups as a whole.

    You buy into the propaganda to easially thats all. It's like believing that LAPD setup O.J. Simpson. You could not pull it off at that scale. You could on a smaller scale maybe but not on a large scale. Those cops were not henchmen for the NWO they were acting on policy dictated by legal actions in the past. The cards are stacked against them not for them.
  10. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    You'll find I don't buy into any propaganda easily at all.

    Cops are bastards as it is without giving them a stun gun, they'd shoot you if they could, but its restricted.. because.. uh-oh it causes.. injuries and even fatalities... there isn't a restriction on tasers and there should be.
  11. Bluelola

    Bluelola New Member

    Cops around here are super-trigger-happy. They shot a schizophrenic lady in the grocery store a few years ago for brandishing a spork. They also shot a retarded man because they thought he was "going for a weapon". Dude, he was a retard. And a couple years ago they shot a guy who they pulled over for not signaling a left turn in a turn-only lane, and they didn't have a clear explanation for why they shot him.
  12. Ragnorok

    Ragnorok New Member

    With the case of the diabetic man in a coma, try putting yourself in the position of the officers. They went to the scene under the information, given by the bus driver, that there was a suspected suicide bomber on a bus. Bear in mind just six days after the suicide bombings in London.

    They then boarded the bus to confront a suspected suicide bomber, (would you get on a bus if you thought there was a suicide bomber on it?) and what they found was a man slumped in his seat clutching a rucksack, making jerking movements, grunting, and eyes wide open (typical symptoms of a hypoglycaemic fit). What would you do?

    Its worthwhile noting that in the UK any police officer who kills a suspect is in effect on an automatic murder charge, even if it is plain that it was the last resort.
  13. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Yet the commander in charge of the operation which resulted in the public execution (eight bullets to the head at point blank range whilst being restrained by an officer) of an innocent civilian in a London tube train was promoted!?

    Last edited: Nov 18, 2007
  14. Disorder

    Disorder New Member


    If I was a cop, I wouldnt be hyped up on fake fear propaganda and jittery. Sure, I might be the only one who goes on the bus, but I'd still talk to the guy before I used any weapon. Why would I do that? Because I have cajones and I'm not a complete bastard.

    Oh my god the terrorists, the terrorists! At least if I get blown up, I'll go out in a blaze of glory and quickly and it would be better than the slow lingering painful death of being stabbed in the belly. You gotta realise cops are now trained to be paranoid, trigger happy cowards. Why do you think they hide behind those big shields. They're scared of us and have been tought that we are the enemy.

    I'm also not a complete idiot, so I can tell that "man slumped in his seat clutching a rucksack, making jerking movements, grunting, and eyes wide open" IS a fit. All I need to do is wait, assess that the man is doing the same thing repetatively, ie 'fit', then attempt to converse (and find that I can't), assess that there is nothing connected to the bag, like hands holding a pullcord and then that nothing is in the bag. The bag is safe, it is retrieved the man is given medical attention. No harm done and all it took was, patience, composure and a small bit of bravery.

    Now do you see why we can't have such stupid, impulsive, head cases that are supposed to be 'protecting us' in control, because they don't stop to think. Evidence of which is in the previous post, to name one of many events, past and future.
  15. Ragnorok

    Ragnorok New Member

    Nursery, the deMenezes case is entirely different, they tracked him from his flat. If they thought he was a suicide bomber, he should have been confronted long before he reached Stockwell tube station, and if they had used a taser like the West Yorkshire Police did a week before then Jean Charles de Menezes would still be alive.

    There is no way the officer in charge of that disaster should have had a promotion, and I personally think its a disgrace that Ian Blair, the Chief Constable of the Met, has not resigned nor been sacked.

    Unfortunately that is a trade mark of our government, they have often rewarded failure, scandal and incompetence with endorsements and promotions. I will give them this much, they are consistent.

    I am not saying that the police are above blame, but there is a heck of alot of hysteria and garbage aimed at entire police forces because of the actions of the few officers who are not fit to do the job.

    Between the years 2002-2005 CO19 armed officers have been deployed 9,700 times, of which 3,500 were pre-planned, shots were fired on ten of these occasions, and out of all these, there were four deaths. On the strength of that, I think its fair to say that CO19 are not trigger happy.

    Disorder, your great, why don't you join the police and show them your cajones and how its done. Rather than slagging them off and second guessing thier actions from the comfort of your own home.
  16. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Same with the Bush government. It's how they reward those who are corrupt enough to enforce the 'Brave New One World Order's' fascistic agenda.
  17. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    I've considered it a long time ago, but I'm unfit for the force for a number of reasons, So don't think I wouldn't. I've even considered military service, before I realised I didn't want to be sacrificed for a power hungry government and their agendas.

    Still means they should be doing a professional job. Though, You seem to think I've lumped all police into the same category which I haven't, there are some decent honourable people out there. The problem I have is with the generic 'gung-ho' thuggery.
  18. Ragnorok

    Ragnorok New Member

    Thats a fair comment, the nature of police work will often attract the wrong (gung-ho/macho/power hungry) kind of people to the job.

    But do we really know what kind of person answered the 999 call of suspected suicide bomber on a bus who turned out to be a hypoglycaemic diabetic? I am not saying that the officers did everything right, I dont think we have enough information to make a decision on that.

    We do not know what information the police were acting on. We do not know why the bus driver thought he had a suicide bomber on the bus in the first place, we did not see how the diabetic man was reacting to the fit, and we don't know the service record of the police at the scene.
  19. Ragnorok

    Ragnorok New Member

  20. j412

    j412 New Member


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