I've been saying this all along

Discussion in 'Medical Advice' started by Nauseous, Oct 12, 2007.

  1. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Everyone is fucking bipolar these days. It's over-diagnosed. It's a cop-out for weak moody people to use as an excuse for being an asshole and not dealing with life. Get a real mental disorder, weaklings.

    Deal with it -or- kill youselves. I don't really care either way but I am sick of hearing people say that they are bipolar who don't know the first goddamn thing about being mentally unstable.

    TUESDAY, Sept. 4 (HealthDay News) -- The number of young people treated for bipolar disorder increased 40-fold in the United States between 1994 and 2003, according to a new study.

    But even one of the authors of the report in the September issue of Archives of General Psychiatry isn't certain whether this represents a dramatic increase in the number of people who actually have the disorder.

    "There is no evidence that there has been an increase in bipolar disorder of this size," said Dr. Mark Olfson, a clinical psychiatry professor at New York State Psychiatric Institute and one of the authors of a report. "Either this increase we see represents a tendency for over-diagnosing recently or a tendency to under-diagnose in the past."

    "It's a combination of both," added Dr. Glenn Hirsch, medical director of the New York University Child Study Center. "It has clearly been under-diagnosed in the past. A variety of surveys have said over and over that up to 70 percent of adults with the disorder report that their symptoms began early."

    Bipolar disorder is a condition in which people swing from periods of mania, an abnormally elevated mood, to depression. It originally was called manic depression.

    The researchers analyzed data from a national survey of office-based physicians, comparing the rate of growth in diagnoses of bipolar disorder. For individuals 19 and under, a diagnosis of bipolar disorder was made in 25 of 100,000 visits (about 20,000 patients) in 1994-1995.

    That number grew to 1,003 per 100,000 visits (about 800,000 patients) in 2002-2003.

    By contrast, during the same time frame, adult diagnoses of bipolar disorder doubled, from 905 visit to 1,679 visits per 100,000 population.

    Is there an explanation for such an explosion in the number of young people diagnosed with bipolar disorder?

    "What this means is that psychiatrists are increasingly comfortable diagnosing children with bipolar disorder," said Dr. David Axelson, director of the Child and Adolescent Bipolar Services clinic at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. "But it is impossible to know whether those diagnoses are correct or not without external confirmation."

    Bipolar disorder is an elusive condition, Axelson said, difficult to pin down because there is no specific diagnostic test.

    Until recently, it was easy to miss the first signs of bipolar disorder in a young person, because it often is a mild depressive episode that might not be seen as pathological, Hirsch said. "Irritability and depressive behavior may be a form of bipolar disorder," he added. "A child who has feelings of aggression, irritation and anger may have bipolar disorder."

    One reason for the increase in diagnoses is that physicians are becoming aware that such cases do not fit the textbook description, Hirsch said. "I suspect that the majority of cases we are seeing are in that unspecified area. We are still not sure what criteria we should be thinking of when we diagnose bipolar disorder, " he added.

    It's important to get the diagnosis right, Axelson said, because some medications prescribed for other conditions could make bipolar disorder worse.

    "Physicians should bring greater rigor to bear," Hirsch said. "Parents should be aware there has been this big increase in diagnoses. They should ask why and how such a diagnosis is made and what decisions went into it, and they should know more about the medications."
  2. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Did you ever watch the movie "Oh Brother Where Art Thou"?

    I thought the guy that played George Nelson was a pretty good Bi-Polar person. That whole movie cracked me up.

    I like to think of mental categories as in shades of colors. In other words if absolutely totally non-manic depressive where white and totally manic depressive were black there would not be any person on the end of either spectrum. All shades of grey in between.

    Also I think the human person is incredibly capable of circumventing and working around obstacles it encounters such as a disorder. I would guess that there are people that shall we say are of quite a dark shade of color and have developed a remarkable amount of restraint in controlling it.

    I think therapist can be invaluable in cases where a person is behaving in a dysfunctional manner and in need of someone to point out to them what the issues is and suggest ways to confront it.

    Bi-Polar, schizophrenia, or whatever it is. Like I say we all have each just to varying degrees.
  3. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    I've been saying it all along longer!
  4. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I think so. I think everyone is crazy. What seems normal to me is crazy to other people and what seems crazy to me is normal to other people.

    I dunno. Mood disorders are hard for me to understand. I think everyone is fucking moody, some more than others. Give me a real disorder that I can understand an appreciate. Like...

    Schizophrenia! I think it's a big deal. You are totally out-of-touch with reality -or- are you? I mean, they lock people up nowadays but these could be the same kinds people who wrote the bible... who 'walked with Jesus'. Schizophrenics are hard to believe, but people with paranoid personality disorder have more logical ideas or persecution. And maybe they aren't so off? Maybe they are just gifted and have some sort of precognition?

    I always thought it would be ironic to find out that David Koresh was actually a "prophet". Cults are scary though. I think that the fact that these people didn't trust the world is why they put their faith in him. This is why you are safest not to trust anyone. Because you will end up in a cult if you do. :)

    There was this crazy woman who used to write the company I used to work for and she was totally out of it and come to find out, people thought it was me doing it. And then I started to wonder if it was me doing it in some kind of fugue state. See? People can make you feel crazy. This is why you shouldn't let people make you think you are crazy because you will end up going 'crazy'. :)
  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Speaking of it's like that movie "Bugs" I commented in the film section. The guy was skitzo and says odd stuff like he sees details that others miss and it makes others nervous.

    I think I am better at picking out a lot of vague details that others miss. For example working at the jail I always knew the games the inmates were playing on the other guards because I saw the signs plain as day. It would kind of freak me out that they would be so oblivious. But then there are things that others perceive very keenly that I miss.

    Another example I drive through a neighborhood regularly in the Dallas area there is a so called bakery and diner in an area that I know does not make the profits to make the payments on the property. I see their amount of business. It is not large leap to see that it is a front for a business of other sorts more lucrative.
  6. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    That sounds like the show Weeds. They open up businesses as a front so they can sell drugs in the back.
  7. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Happens more often than you think.

    I also think that the insurance industry and commercial real estate are very corrupt. Just because I see how the scams work and how easy to manipulate. Factor that in with human nature. There you have it.
  8. DarkShadow-X

    DarkShadow-X New Member

    A lot of "alternative therapy"/massage parlour places around my areas, so it's just like that bakery. You don't see anyone ever going in but they stay for years and years.
  9. Fernando

    Fernando Member

    Yup, it's an excuse for being an asshole. Whenever I'm mean I just say "Not a good day for me" not "Di dir, it must be something wrong with mah brainz...ATTENTION PLEASE!!!!"
  10. Bluelola

    Bluelola New Member

    I know it's not in fashion to be moderate, but if you've ever known someone who was actually batshit crazy to the point where they completely wreck their own lives, it kind of makes you go "OH SHIT so THAT'S what they mean by "bipolar disorder"

    And yeah, it's fuckin' overdiagnosed and people use it as an excuse, but holy shit, when you see it in action in real life it makes you go "OH MOTHERFUCKING HELL NO FUCKING WAY! OH NO WAY! Oh shit she really did that, holy fuck."

    I also have a friend who went real live paranoid schizophrenic when he was about 20, and whoa.
  11. Bluelola

    Bluelola New Member

    REAL bipolar disorder, BTW, is not "Oh I'm so happy! Now I'm sad" it's more like some sort of freaky psychosis that you can't even comprehend.

    I guess it starts out more like ordinary highs and lows, but once it escalates into full-on bipolar disorder it's unfuckingreal. The degree of fucked-up-ness.
  12. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I worked at a jail and saw some crazy people.
  13. Fernando

    Fernando Member

    Ooo, do tell. I only saw a couple crazy people when I visited this huntington's hospital.
  14. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I was told by one psychiatrist that I could be suffering from the beginning of schizophrenia and another told me that I had cyclothymia. Two totally different disorders, two different doctors, seven years apart.


    Let's take this again. It'll show that we're all fucking crazy.
  15. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Disorder | Rating
    Paranoid: Very High
    Schizoid: Moderate
    Schizotypal: High
    Antisocial: Moderate
    Borderline: Moderate
    Histrionic: Low
    Narcissistic: High
    Avoidant: High
    Dependent: Moderate
    Obsessive-Compulsive: High
  16. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I don't think I am Narcissistic at all. I know that I clicked yes for:

    Do you see people who get taken advantage of as being weak and deserving of being used? (I think of the martyr complex and how disgusting I think those people are)

    Do you consider your needs to be more important to you than the needs of others?(Everyone does this... it's what makes us human)

    Are you often uninterested in the feelings of others? (It's not that I am not interested, I just don't want to invest time into it)

    Are you quick to anger when your expectations are not met?(I have no patience)

    Do you avoid working in teams because you are convinced that others are too careless and will not work to your standards? (If it was something very important to me, yes, but if it was something I didn't care about, no)

    Then I contradict myself with:

    Do you often let others make important decisions for you? (I tend to ask for advice so that I can blame someone else when it goes wrong)

    I think those were questions that made me get a "high" rating for narcissistic.
  17. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Disorder Rating
    Paranoid: Low
    Schizoid: Low
    Antisocial: Low
    Borderline: Low
    Histrionic: Low
    Narcissistic: Low
    Avoidant: Low
    Dependent: Low
    Obsessive-Compulsive: Low

    Does this just mean I am boring? Or that I just dont care about a lot of stuff?
  18. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    It means you cheated.
  19. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    How about I just dont care about a lot of stuff? Instead of being passive aggresive I am just passive passive.

    Like one of my favorite sayings from a book I used to have as a kid, "Could be worse"
  20. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I think they are honest and good hearted, maybe to a fault.
    No, any parent, well good parent, will admit on a daily basis that they put others wants/needs way before their own.
    I dont like hurting people, and if possible I like to build them up.
    I look for other opportunities instead of harping on failed ones.
    I look at it as an opportunity to help someone grow, maybe they dont work to your standards because they dont know what they are. Would I do most of the work if others werent doing it right? Yea.
    I am pretty laid back when it comes to most things, I think important decisions would have to be defined better. Most important (to me) decisions are almost one sided, to the point where it's not really a choice at all.

    I think that's why I like it here.

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