Firemen reprimanded for disturbing a disturbing gay sex act in park

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Nursey, Nov 13, 2007.

  1. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Supposing the firemen were even mischievously setting out to find something like the freaky 4-way bumming they shone their high powered fire appliance torches on in the park (just setting the scene here ;)), the response has been a little OTT to put it mildly.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2007
  2. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I don't see what they did wrong. Did they pull out their hoses out and try to break it up like you would two (or four) dogs?

    Is public decency prohibited there?
  3. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Were they just illuminating them so they could watch and jerk off? Maybe they're just voyuers.
    Put that hose away, queenie!
  4. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I think for all their trouble they should have hit them with the firehose one time. By firehose I mean the apparatus for dispersing water in the direction of a fire. They could always say they had a report of wild flame(rs) in the bushes......
  5. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    thats pretty fucked up, the PC brigade wants to mess with your head, dont let them win !
  6. Bluelola

    Bluelola New Member

    I think you guys are missing that there are two separate issues here. In most civilized countries it is illegal for rescue agencies to act as law enforcement, for the simple reason that there is a legitimate concern that some people (for instance, a pot grower who's house is on fire) will delay or avoid contacting rescue services in the case of an actual emergency, leading to loss of lives.

    That is a separate issue from public acts of lewdness. The police obviously need to patrol that area more heavily at night. I don't think that's acceptable behavior, although I am not a homophobe.
  7. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Everyone getting offended these days. People need to quit hating themselves so much.
  8. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    But is there more to the story. Did they just shine a light on them and flush them out and laugh or what? I suspect they'd have spotlighted a hetero couple in the throes of passion if the opportunity presented itself.
  9. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    You do that shit in public and you are fair game.
  10. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Like at a park in front of your parents house. :biggrin:

    True though if there is a sensitivity problem I'd bet its pervert bigotry not gay. Someone should burn down their little thicket of woods. Or plant poison oak all over the place there.
  11. Bluelola

    Bluelola New Member

    Yeah but I think the reason they got in trouble is that if these guys were on the clock using firehouse equipment they shouldn't have been doing that shit...
  12. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    It said they were returning to the firehouse, not that they were out cruising the park for gay people to shine their light on. The fact is they were breaking the law(the pervs). But apparently the person who is pressing charges, or whatever, hasnt been brought up on it. Even if its just a fine he is admitting to breaking a law, just to say, 'those mean men shined a light on me while I was taking one in the seat, and they laughed' shows guilt.
  13. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    I should have known phatboy would chime in on this one.
  14. Bluelola

    Bluelola New Member

    Right. The issue is that there is an ethical standard, and law, that prevents rescue personnel from enforcing laws in the case of "victimless" crimes, so the firemen *couldn't* legally turn in the offenders to the police.

    Just as you can't prosecute someone for admitting they smoked pot, you can't prosecute someone for admitting they were getting their dick sucked in a park.

    Sometimes the laws result in situations that aren't fair, but if you think about it the consequences of allowing rescue personnel to enforce the law are potentially pretty horrific, whereas the consequences of allowing some retard to keep getting his dick sucked in a park are probably just kind of skeevy.

    Either way, why aren't the police patrolling the park? Is it because they like to go there to get it in the ass?
  15. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    OK, but if one of the persons taking it up the Hershey highway were a non-willing participant, then there would indeed be a victim. Would not the passersby, be they Fire Brigade or civilian want to confirm whether or not there was a rape in progress? And would a bright light not assist in that determination?
  16. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator


    No, you misunderstand. It wasn't the firemen reporting the cum buttagers, it was (remarkably) the other way round! I believe it is the result of the ridiculous level of PCness that has been brought in by the 'Noo Labour' local council in that region. And the park is en route to the other fire station which they were returning the fire engine to.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2007
  17. Bluelola

    Bluelola New Member

    Right, no, I get that.
  18. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    So, why did you say:

  19. Bluelola

    Bluelola New Member

    Because someone else was asking why the gay buttbuddies didn't get charges pressed against them. Or something like that. I don't remember now, and I'm too lazy to read back.
  20. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Oh ok. I'll let you off. :cool:

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