This girl I used to ride to school with had a Pontiac Phoenix. She failed a year or two so she had a car before myself or any of my friends, so it was one of those you'll ride in anything deals just so you didn't have your parent's dropping you off and you could look cool. That thing had no exhaust and I went to school everyday smelling like a mixture of cigarettes and a lawn tractor.'80-'84_Pontiac_Phoenix_5-Door.jpg
That's totally my car! Except that pic doesn't show the sex-ay totally non-aerodynamic snout. That car was awesome for one reason: no one ever asked for a ride home twice, partly because it would stall at any opportunity if I didn't gun the hell out of it, and partly because of that awesome passenger door issue.
"What more could a little car give?" was their slogan. That's funny. My first car was almost this: This was until I rode in it. It had an AM only 8 track in it and that was the most modern convenience. My first car was hit three times. The third time was the charm. I will never own another burgundy colored vehicle again. I think I was invisible in that thing.
You almost had a maverick? Those things are about as safe as a pinto in a rear-end collision. My sisters first car was a 74 Gremlin that thing was sweet. We used to 'hood surf' through our neighborhood. It was sweet in the fact that it wasnt mine. Of course my duster wasnt much better, but hey, without humility where would we be..... 73 Plymouth Duster 75 Plymouth Duster 74 Chevy Custom Deluxe 85 S-10 87 K-5 Blazer 91 S-10 88 Nissan 4x4 94 Dakota Club Cab 4x4 95 Ram 1500 4x4 (and a 91 Nissan 4x2) 97 Mountaineer (baby came and 91 Nissan 4x2 Still) then 75 K-5 Blazer (traded for an 84 Silverado 4x4) 97 Ram 1500 CC 00 Expedition (wife) 01 Ram 1500 4x4 (5sp) 99 Ram 1500 CC 4x4 (wife made me sell the 'hot rod' truck needed more room for kids) 04 Ram 1500 QC 04 Infiniti G35 (wife) 05 Ram 1500 QC 4x4 (Can you HEMI now?) 07 Honda Accord (wife) 02 F-250 Supah Duty 4x4 (sold HEMI) Now the Hondas! 91 CRX SI (paid 600 sold for 1750 I think that was it) 89 Civic (paid 0 sold for 1800 *needed motor) 91 Accord EX and 93 Accord LX (paid 1200 total sold 91 for 1600 and 93 for 1500) 92 Accord DX (paid 800 sold for 2000) 93 Civic EX (paid 2000 still have) I cant wait to see Lomo's list.
I've never understood people who have had a bagillion cars. In the last 14 years of car ownership, I have had 4 cars (all Pontiacs) and I still own two of them... well, I own one and the bank owns the other for the next 4+ years. I have a friend who in the 6 years I have known him has had 13 cars that I can remember.
We lease my wifes cars, since she is in real estate, it makes sense. We right the payment off as a business expense. I just like vehicles. When we get the new house in the spring I am going to start turning a lot more cars. Hopefully I can work in a couple of classic muscle cars while Im at it. Of course at 6'4" there aint a lot of cars Im really comfortable in, so I usually stick to trucks.
Leasing wasn't a good idea for me. I looked into it with a new G5, but decided it wasn't a good idea considering I keep a car forever and would end up paying more for it in the end. Originally I had looked at trucks because I wanted to sit up high and be able to throw stuff in it from Home Depot or Lowe's without having to borrow my dad's truck, but then I got on that fucking Aztek kick after seeing the inside of one but could never find the perfect one until my 30th b-day. Kinda funny I found it that day, but anyway, it has the benefits of a truck because you can take the seats out and put a 4 foot by 8 foot piece of plywood in it if you wanna and not many SUVs can do that. I like cars a lot too which is why having a friend that changes cars every few months is a nice way to live vicariously through. He always makes me drive his cars around.
Awesome car! Yeah, I think burgundy is a shitty color for cars because it's really hard to see at dusk. I'm on my second car now, it was black when I got it so I had it painted.
I got hit in broad daylight all three times. It was weird. And every time, I was just driving down the road. First time an old woman came out of an alley and hit me, the second time some douchbag backed into me on a busy road and the third time the guy was test driving a truck and was going 40 in a 20mph curve, came into my lane and hit me. I specifically look for black vehicles.
right now I drive a Honda Element ... I love it but need something bigger. I looked at the new Toyota FJ .... anyone know anything about those. they are so ugly I like them.
The inside of the Element makes up for the outside. I'm not crazy about the looks, but the inside is cool and I like it. I don't know about the FJ. I like the new Ford Edge. I've been seeing those around and they make me take a double look.
Just traded my Tahoe for a Saturn was leaning towards a Honda but the Saturn had a lot to offer for the price. No longer does Honda hold the v-tec technology hostage and the AuraXR makes ~250 hp (get the upgrade) And a ton of options. Now I'm tooling around town on the Ninja or the Z28. After I get the bike and car paid I'll get me a new truck. Maybe the Chevy Colorado. Decient options and nice power out of a .....inline 5. Not sure they are making it this year or not.
I drove a Pontiac Catalina, a Ford Gran Turino, and a '73 MGB - whatever my parents allowed me to drive, basically. The first car I bought for myself was an '85 Honda Accord (in 1991).
I learned to drive in a Ford Bronco II. That's what I took my test in. I also had a jogger jump a guardrail on my first drive. I was taken out a hilly, windy country road. I think it is probably the best place to start out in hindsight, but it was fucking intimidating.
There are few Fords I think are worth having. But an early to mid 70's Bronco is one of them. A Ford with class.