I have heard this game is a master piece and a beautiful game at that. Has anyone played it? and if not I will almost certainly be picking this up on Black Friday. I heard it blows Halo 3 out of the water
Looks too much like BF2 the game is too fast paced and the ragdoll physics look silly. But then I prefer the slower more realistic sims like operation flashpoint(or armed assault) and hopefully soon, OFP2 Damn I miss CTI matches so much, now thats what i'm talkin' bout.
I thought it looked better than Halo. I didn't think that the graphics were bad and they were yelling in Russian. But I don't like shooter games, so I wouldn't be one to know.
Hey hey, 6 hour campaigne. That's like 10 dollars an hour. It is supposed to have fantastic multiplayer though.
I asked my husband who bought it this weekend and he said he liked Halo and Call of Duty the same. He said he they are both cool in their own way. He hasn't played Call of Duty online yet.