Someone's finally figured out how to absolve you of that icky "infidelity" feeling:
Presently, I offset my sexual indiscretions by switching hands each time I rub one out. And sometimes I use phatboy's.
Just get one of these.
I don't know. I'm not sure if my hands are ready to bring another into the fold. That's tantamount to an orgy. We're kind of old-fashioned.
Aren't you the cleverest little thing for being the first to point that out? It's funny though, half of you whiteys think everyone who's not a wasp looks "Jewish".
Well, it was what kept coming to my mind when i saw the thread title. That's what happens here. We point stuff out. "Everyone who's not a wasp'? Come off it. I'd hardly say you just 'don't look like a wasp'. Anyone with sallow skin, Yiddish looking ringlets and a huge Jewish looking honker looks "Jewish". And it seems even you think it: So, does that make you a wasp for thinking you look Jewish?
If I had to guess I would say Pollock. Is that the correct term or is that offensive? Am I supposed to say Pollish?