Do me a favor

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by TheGrimJesus, Nov 9, 2007.

  1. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Copy & paste the below and forward it to everyone you know or stick it on your myspace bulletin.

    With all the recent events in America I felt it was time to stop sitting in the back of the bus. It’s time to act. This is why my fellow Americans I propose a boycott on Friday 25th, 2007. This is Black Friday, on this day the corporate machine counts on us to flock to their stores and buy all the useless crap we really don’t need. Most of the stuff we buy is Made is China. With the recent recalls of toys, food, and other products Corporate America has proven they do not care about us. With them striving for cheaper product to maximize their bottom dollar they have endangered every American Citizen and our Children.

    That is why on Friday 25th, 2007 everyone should stay at home. Do not go to Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Sears, ECT…. The only thing the people that run these companies understand and respect is money. They don’t care about you our your family. Most don’t care about their Employees. We have allowed them to get out of control to put us in the danger we are in now. Because we want 19 dollar DVD players & our kids have to have the newest hottest toy cheaper. What we have ended up doing is Unemploying fellow Americans. Made in America has been replaced with Made in China and we have payed the price with quality. They have found everything from lead to GHB in toys, Unsafe food products the list goes on and on. Does Wal-mart or the others care? No they don’t all you are to them is walking dollar signs.

    Well show them the power Americans have when we stand together. Only when we all drop our petty self absorbed life's & start standing together as Americans will we get things right again. Lets tell these people we want Products Made In America! Lets bring the jobs back to America. This is only a small step in restoring our pride as a country. So on Black Friday stay home with your families. If you want to get more involved organize protests of The Big Box Stores. We need to get the work force out of China & India and back in America.

    So please America stay at home on Black Friday show these stores and corporation who’s the boss.
  2. Fernando

    Fernando Member

    Most stores don't profit on black friday man. They usually do it to make people aware of what is in the store.
  3. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Not the point fern
  4. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    What is Friday 25th, 2007? A month would be handy.
  5. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Black Friday is pretty self explanatory Nauseous we only have one.
  6. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I had to go look it up. I didn't know what it was. I'm not big on shopping.
  7. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    So, it's the 23rd this year.
  8. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Doh I was looking at something else on my calandar when I was doing the date damnnnnnnn
  9. bigpappadiaz

    bigpappadiaz Member

    That's a good idea, Grim, and usually I would agree with it. Except that our economy has been shaky lately. The dollar is falling against other worldwide currencies and banks are reporting major losses. Other statistics that reveal how our economy is doing include how much we are shopping. Black Friday is a major indicator, and if the U.S. does not turn out strong for its shopping we will look about as weak as we actually are. We need to shop hard, if only so we can stave this economic depression off a little while longer.

    That email is some bullshit. Fight corporate America for what? They're already fixing to go under. Go with the system, if only to keep yourself afloat a little while longer.
  10. nolo451

    nolo451 New Member

    my brother and sister told me that they were planning to do some shopping on that day. No fucking crazy fucker shopping where they go all crazy and shit, just plain old shopping because they dont do anything else after Thnaksgiving. Only reason I won't tell them shit is because my brother told me he was getting me an Iphone and my sis may get me a tiny flat screen.
  11. Bluelola

    Bluelola New Member

    I don't usually leave my house the day after Thanksgiving.
  12. nolo451

    nolo451 New Member

    All I usually do is go out for a half an hour jog in the morning (get a head start on burning those thanksgiving calories) and go online.
  13. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Yeah Smurf thats the idea the hope is to push the economy into the direction that can be defined as a recession. At sub 5% unemployement it is pretty hard to make that case but hte doom and gloom media effect istaking a toll on consumer confidence level.
  14. bigpappadiaz

    bigpappadiaz Member

    Well Joe the whole thing about that less than 5% unemployment is that you can cook the books so hard that it'll look that way. The thing is that they don't count a whole lot of people, including those that don't register with an unemployment agency or have just given up looking for a job. They also don't tell you that a lot of the new jobs that have been created were crappy, low-end jobs like working fast-food or bagging at a grocery store. They're not the high-paying jobs that used to be, and in the meantime prices on goods and mortgages continue to rise.

    But I guess it will hit you by surprise...
  15. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    This is of course as opposed to the previous numbers that calculated those factors.

    The new corrupt calculations. :rolleyes:
  16. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Yeah the Fed coming out and going uh oh last week was all staged by the media. Oil being on the cusp of 100 dollars a barrel is staged. Oh and the stock market swirling around the drain is staged also.

    Nothing to see here move along.
  17. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Damn we should not have gone to war just for oil then huh? :rolleyes:
  18. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    I fail to see how this will impact corporations on relying on cheap labor. Essentially, you're telling everyone to wait until the next day to shop for their Chinese DVD players? So that the stores make more profit on the regularly priced items?
  19. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  20. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    I wish they would stop buying the crap all togther so we can get things back in the USA. I do have the perfect plan.

    We have all the Mexicans coming into the country. Well why not start setting up Factories in the border. Making the same shit they make in China. Pay the Mexicans a dollar or 2 more they make in Mexico.

    But after 5 years or so they earn their US citizenship. Set up the same working communities they have in china have English classes and the like then after that amount of time they get there papers.

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