Only if they smell like sewer. Those poor kids could have been in my dutch oven last night. I blacked out a little from it. Fiber.
That's insane. Like when I was a kid there was a rumor that you could get high smoking banana peal. Before the curiosity got the best of me though pot was readily available. Close one. We need to help protect the kids from this shit by ensuring that there is a convenient and readily available supply of cannabis.
My wife hates fiber choice. I could fill a hot air balloon with that, hey whats that worth on the black market?????
Benefiber isn't bad and that Fiberone stuff is pretty good. I think I may literally be sitting on a gold mine here. I'm going to have to make some poo and cruise the schools trying to peddle my 'shit'.
So are you saying you'd pay her more than you already are for sex? Isnt West 'by god' Virginia a bit of a haul for some booty?
I think he meant he'd buy the jenkem and pay extra if he could see it being made. I was picturing balloons and feces and white coats in a very sterile, non-sex environment, you perv.
Yeah, phatboy, you perv I wasn't thinking of watching Pukey drop trou and pinching a Cleveland Steamer into a jug for my sick, twisted jolly. Unless of course, in the name of science, she wanted me to.
We're still in the negotiating stages. I'm still researching how to come up with a ga-jillion dollars.
So you think we will see the 'ass whippits' on a new law and order? Maybe Ice T can stick his pinky in the bottle and then put it in his mouth, "Yea, that shils fresh"
No such thing now. It's all digital. What a load of shit! The peg people are probably gone too. I saw a commerical for it last week.
They better hope this doesn't take off. Also giving it press is not a good idea. I mean this is a free drug, That can't be controlled at all. You can't outlaw people using the bathroom. So this is something any crackhead or meth head can produce. Every time I think about it I throw up a little. So nasty.