Nursey. A mean little girl that was too thin and weak to let her meaness out until protected by the law or at least out of middle school. Quivering with hate and weak in strength she could only abuse her mums poodle by dressing it up with make up. She was made fun of as a little girl with her scruffy clothes from a middle class mum. People looked past her as she sat in school eating her cheese sanwhiches and veggie burgers.
I'm JEALOUS! DO I LIKE HIM??? this guy liked me a lot last year. He even told me and all of my friends. Then he got a girlfriend from other school, but he still liked me, even gave me more hugs and talke to me a lot. Then after summer, i heard they broke up.. Then this schoolyear started and about a month later, all my friends came up to me and saying that he really likes me. WTF? I havent even talked to him in about like 5 or 6 months. Then I told my friends that I didnt like him. and they got over it. and few days later, He's got another girlfriend. She's pretty cute, way prettier than me for sure. Like whenever I walk by, he even hugs her tightly and hold her hands and they always stand right front of my class! I get so jealous!!! i dont know why!! does that mean i like him? because if he was to ask me out, I would say no...