Something funny I just remembered when I read this title... I've had a few relatives that were farmers, and they'd use these giant harvesters to go through a field and pick the corn. Now, being this close to the border, it wasn't uncommon for illegal immigrants to tie the tops of corn stalks together and make a little 'tent' to sleep under, so they couldn't be viewed from the sky. Every once in a while, some bloody mess would make it's way through the harvester... Funny how reading something will trigger a random memory...
Fucking huge maze, like 9 miles we ran. Took us 2 hours, but we hit all the checkpoints and got a certifcate of accomplishment. Really fun time actually, we kept calling everyone "Corn Travelers"
Thats gonna look really good on your resume. You might be able to get a guest appearance on "Captain Kangaroo".......
Did you run into any of those damn corn spiders? I grew up around miles of corn fields. I remember those well.
No corn spiders, most of the corn was dead anyhow. We did see a farmer smash a mouse with his foot, which was greatly unsetteling. It was a lot of fun, especially in the dark when you can't see where the fuck your going.
Worlds largest corn maze? You sure about that? Corn is great for eating, but sometimes getting lost in it is more fun. Just ask the hordes tromping around the Cool Patch pumpkin field these days in the dusty farm town of Dixon. That's where the world's largest corn maze is - 40 acres of spook-errific 10-foot-high green and yellow corn stalks that seem to go on forever. At least that's how it seems when you're standing in the middle of them.
that one is bigger nolo, think they put more effort in the one I went to though. It was a cool bears theme.