Mandatory Temporary sterilization of teenagers & Welfare mothers.

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by TheGrimJesus, Oct 22, 2007.

  1. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    I been rolling this around in my head. We in this country have the technology to stop Teen pregnancy cold. If every girl at the age of 12 was implanted with IUD or given Depo-Provera shot the numbers would fall dramatically. Almost a million teenage girls become pregnant every year. This is more stress and strain on the system and kids that aren't needed for anything. It would also cut down on the number of abortions making the nut jobs happy.

    I also believe any women applying for welfare or any benefits applying to a newborn child should be sterilized in order to be allowed to receive benefits. This will also stop her from being a further drain on the system. This would also work towards population control.

    I don't know i just feel this would be a good start at stopping the drain on the system that these monkey's cause.
  2. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member


    Welfare is socialism and socialism is reverse Darwinism.

    Socialism creates the environment where the underachievers thrive and are awarded to breed. And although there have been improvements traditionally are awarded more if they breed bastard children.
  3. zigger

    zigger New Member

    you cant just take away a persons right to have chldren like that.

    no wonder your a communist.
  4. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Idiocracy - Best film EVAR - Shows that as the dumb/ignorant people continue to multiply and further reduce the intelligence on Earth, the smarter people have less children, if any at all. So before long all that is left is boogar eating retards that like shows like 'ow my balls'.

    I think if a person shows that they do not have the self control, or means of control, then someone needs to step in. There are more gang members in the US than military personnel. Go figure.
  5. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    It depends on whether some people want children or if procreation is merely a by-product of recreation.
  6. Bluelola

    Bluelola New Member

    How about mandatory vasectomies for every deadbeat father a year or more behind on their child support? At least that'd prevent every woman stupid enough to sleep with those drooling morons from making another unsupported baby.

    Seriously though, I would be in favor of universal free birth control... including vasectomies. Not of infringing on individual rights by forcing it on people, but of making it free and easily available. Planned Parenthood does an OK job of providing birth control for teenagers and low-income women, but they have a limited budget and are constantly struggling with harassment from religious nuts.

    I think that if socialized, no-questions-asked birth control was easily available from any doctor or clinic, the rates of teen and welfare motherhood would decline sharply.

    Most of the breeding morons out there are working class, not welfare recipients. They're perfectly capable of holding down a job running machinery, putting widgets in boxes, or operating a cash register at Wal-Mart. So stopping welfare mothers from breeding won't prevent the inevitable species divergence.
  7. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    You do know Bush just put one of those Religious Nuts in charge of Planned Parent Hood. She is also Quoted as saying "Contraception isn't a disease and should be treated" So I think they will be out of the birth control biz very soon.

    I'm not at all against vasectomies for dead beat dads. In fact last time I read the Male Birth Control Pill is coming along nicely. It's just easier and cheaper to control women's reproduction then men and it's also more reversible at the moment.

    The fact is something isn't working Birth Control isn't being taught in school and teenage girls keep having kids. I was recently helping a friend look for a women on the personal sites and the amount of young single women with kids was astonishing.

    I mean white & black women with Mexican, black , white and all other types of kids sometimes more then one.

    We saw an ad for an 18 year old women who had 4 kids already at 18! that's is beyond ridiculous. This is another issue America has to wake up on. I think American people have been way to asleep on a lot of issues, but always bitch about them without offering solutions.

    But when someone offers the solution they go ape shit crazy. I know Hitler had this idea with the Jews or what not. I mean we stole most of the German Ideas after WW2 and a lot of them are being used today. So they must have been doing something right.
  8. Bluelola

    Bluelola New Member

    I kind of like the idea of our now-long-gone "American Freedoms" though, so I'll have to say I'd prefer to correct problems through education and availability of appropriate resources. Our taxes are being used for a lot of bullshit programs (and war) right now, and they need to be redirected into areas that actually benefit individuals, and therefore society.

    For instance, the parks department is always complaining about not having enough funding. Well, when I look at what they're using that funding for, it's often for "improvements" that the PARKS DO NOT NEED. Paved paths and benches, for example. I go out to what used to be wilderness areas and I see asphalt and benches. Wilderness areas don't need asphalt and benches. I want asphalt and benches, I can stay in the fucking city. And wilderness guides. OK, what? No.

    Not that that's a large part of where our taxes go, but bitch please. And don't get me started on "cultural trusts". WTF. People have always handled their culture by living it. It works. It doesn't need a government department to oversee it.
  9. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    I know what you mean, Our state bought a huge amount of land. They built a large garden park type deal with paved paths and all this other shit. Then charge for you to go look at flowers that shouldn't even grow in this region.
  10. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I dont know where you are at lola, but here, it isnt the middle-class popping out all the kids. Its the lower class, the ones too lazy to go out and get free birth control that they give away at the clinic. I agree with the dead beat dads and the vasectomies. Its a joke. Its a liberties issue in the fact that no one wants their 'rights' trampled. Okay, you can have 10 kids, but its up to you to take care of them, and provide for them, if you cant, snip, and done, your kids are moved to caring families who want kids, and not just a check.
  11. Bluelola

    Bluelola New Member

    I am in the US, and I'm not talking about the middle class, I am talking about the "working class", which are essentially the working poor who don't qualify for government assistance. If you look at the statistics, it is the massive working class demographic who have most of the kids in this country.
  12. Fernando

    Fernando Member

    If we did that, we would be China. And no body likes china.
  13. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I think it's a good idea. If you can't afford to take care of the children you have, you shouldn't be having more.

    It's just like these 'feed the children' assholes. Why don't you pass out some fucking condoms? I guess because they might eat them, huh?
  14. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    20 years ago I saw pictures of skinny African kids with flies crawling on their faces. I guess the ones that survived had more skinny kids with flies crawling on their faces. Someone may need to investigate what's causing all this breeding.

    Believe me, I feel bad for the children; it's heart-breaking. But, I get frustrated at baby machines that create more burdens for themselves.

    My wife and I waited 6 years to have our first and two more for the second. Then, I got fixed. We love kids, but know our limitations. Well, don't let me rant anymore--it'll all be in my book.
  15. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    My question is if they are so malnutrition in Africa with the flys and all. Where do they get the energy to fuck like bunnies?
  16. Bluelola

    Bluelola New Member

    Remember, women don't GET pregnant in starvation conditions. Their bodies prevent it. The insane cycle of displacement and starvation in Africa (and sometimes other continents) doesn't start with starving people having babies. It starts with a politically/ethnically motivated war that displaces a large number of people who were previously living comfortably in their country of origin before being driven out like animals by an invading force or violent ethnic-cleaning uprise. The starving babies you see on television now are from different areas than the starving African children we saw on TV in our youth. Africa is a vast continent, with much potential for exploitation and tragedy.

    Unfortunately, the US mostly ignores the genocidal ethnic conflicts taking place in Africa, because Africa has nothing of value to us. The result is that most Americans really have no idea why those babies are starving, or whether they're related to previous generations of starving African babies.
  17. thesekids

    thesekids New Member

  18. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Yeah cold sober is just how it sounds for serious discussions. In fact watch you and your little butt buddies on youtube is the reason I thought of this in the first place.
  19. Bluelola

    Bluelola New Member

    BTW, what really fucks your complacency is when you realize that a lot of the people starving to death in unimaginable squalor in Africa right now have college educations and were "relocated" into death camps from middle-class homes with washers and dryers. Famines in Africa *are* sometimes caused by unexpected weather shifts, but are much more often caused by the forced relocation of hundreds of thousands of people into an area which is simply not capable of supporting them. But nevermind that, for-profit "charities" don't make any money off spreading the grim truth.
  20. thesekids

    thesekids New Member


    MAN just drop that youtube bullshit, i quit that shit a long time ago

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